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State’s Mandated Reporter Statute

State’s Mandated Reporter Statute State’s Mandated Reporter Statute: Texas A mandated reporter is someone required by the law to report cases or reasonable suspicion of child abuse....

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management Leadership and management are critical in the delivery of both goods and services. Although they are similar in many aspects, there are some differences concerning their...

Module 09 Discussion-Overcoming Challenges

Module 09 Discussion-Overcoming Challenges Lymphoblastic Leukemia Lymphoblastic leukemia is a disorder that is most common in children. It is a malignancy that is associated with the b-lymphoblasts....

Maternal Module 09 Discussion-Pediatric Safety

Maternal Module 09 Discussion-Pediatric Safety Pediatric Safety Growth and development are considered important factors in pediatrics, especially during healthcare provision. Children in each of...

Module 7-Maternal

Module 7-Maternal Pediatric Assessment: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Bronchiolitis is an acute inflammation of the bronchioles and is usually caused by an acute viral infection. The most common...

Epidemiology and Health Statistics of Measles

Epidemiology and Health Statistics of Measles Measles is a viral infection caused by the rubeola virus. The disease spreads from one person to another at high rates, making it an endemic disease....