Latest News - Nursing

Neurology-Short answers

Neurology-Short answers Question 1 The neuron has the following parts: dendrites, cell body, and axon. Dendrites are processes that tap or receive other neuronal impulses and conduct towards the...

Nursing Discussion-EBP project evaluation

Nursing Discussion-EBP project evaluation Evidence-Based Project Evaluation             My evidence-based project is on the nursing shortage. The nursing shortage is a global concern. It decreases...

Nursing Essay-Evaluation Plan

Nursing Essay-Evaluation Plan The intervention involves the education and training of nursing staff. Nurse training is aimed at equipping them with extra skills that can help address the shortage...

Nursing Discussion-Organizational Culture Barriers

Nursing Discussion-Organizational Culture Barriers Nursing leadership is a concept that is quite complex. Nurse leaders take up diverse roles within a healthcare organization and fulfill various...


Leadership-teamwork Describe the Characteristics of Performance-Driven Team A performance-driven team must display specific characteristics. First, the team must have clear goals that tie to the...