Latest News - Healthcare

Health Care Reforms-Integration and Reflection

Health Care Reforms-Integration and Reflection Quality healthcare provision has always been on the agenda list of many governments across the globe. The United States, not left out, has seen several...

CLAS Standards

 CLAS Standards Whereas cultural, ethnic and race diversities has shown beneficial effects to the various organization by addition of diverse talents and skills, these diversifications still confer...

Self-Funded Health Insurance

Self-Funded Health Insurance Greenhill Fireworks Company is a new company that displays fireworks for interested businesses. The company is located in California, under the ownership of Mrs. Latoya....

Article Summary

Article Summary COVID-19 and the New Work Normal The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the transitions and changes in modern work. As such, the pandemic has shown and outlined that working from home,...

Healthcare management

Healthcare management Describe the key elements of an information system for an MCO. What elements are different for a physician’s office or group? Managed Care Organizations need IT, which...