Latest News - Sociology

Child Abuse within Educational Institutions

Child Abuse within Educational Institutions Child abuse is prevalent in educational institutions as adults interact with minors. Child abuse is defined as an action perpetuated by an adult or peer...

Social Problems of Vulnerable Populations

Social Problems of Vulnerable Populations Vulnerable populations include children, older adults, women, and individuals with disabilities. Some social challenges they face include abuse, social...

Social Inequality

Social Inequality Explain how social inequality, on a micro and macro level, perpetuates the social problem you selected Social inequality is a big societal problem in the world today. It commonly...

The Social Media Addiction Video

The Social Media Addiction Video Social Media Addiction is a video that focuses on three characters that have an addiction to digital devices or social media. One of the characters is a man who...

Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument

Analysis on the Threats Defense Argument Analysis of the Threats Introduction The world faces different threats that threaten the lives of people, animals, and the general environment. The United...