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Case C Discussion Response

Case C Discussion Response Share additional interview and communication techniques that could be effective with your colleague’s selected patient. I would also ask the teen if they are experiencing...

Issues in Healthcare Ethics

Issues in Healthcare Ethics Hannah Jones, a 13-year-old girl, decides not to have a heart transplant. The transplant is required for her survival though post-medication will cause a relapse of her...

The Consequences of Single-Sex Education

The Consequences of Single-Sex Education Co-education has been the norm in the American education system throughout the past three centuries. Recently, there has been a growth in interest in...

Soap Notes on the John Smith Case

Soap Notes on the John Smith Case SUBJECTIVE CC: “There is a burning pain in my chest.” HPI: John Smith (J.S) is a 50-year-old Native American male who reported to the clinic complaining of chest...

Off-Label Drug Use for Children

Off-Label Drug Use for Children The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics characteristics in children change as they develop. These characteristics include metabolism, distribution, and absorption...