Latest News - Nursing

Modifiable and Non-modifiable Risk Factors

Modifiable and Non-modifiable Risk Factors Elements that increase a person’s vulnerability to disease are known as risk factors. Modifiable factors are those that can be adjusted or modified...

Literature Review and Critical Appraisal

Literature Review and Critical Appraisal The PICOT question: What is the duration for recovery (O) for patients with total hip replacement (P) who develop a post-operation infection (I) compared to...

The Impact of the IOM Report

The Impact of the IOM Report Work of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Committee The Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative, on the Future of Nursing, in conjunction with the...

Hypertension and Glaucoma

Hypertension and Glaucoma This is a case analysis for EB, an old black African woman who is 68 years. She presented with progressing visual loss over the past few years. She is known to have...

The Endocrine System and Multidimensional Care

The Endocrine System and Multidimensional Care A multidimensional care approach involves assessing, planning, and implementing strategies that address the needs of the patients and family members....

Community Strategic Plan

Community Strategic Plan Working at the Women’s centre in my hospital has sparked my interest in focusing on women’s and infants’ health. Women face a lot of challenges in their lives. They...