Latest News - Nursing

W5 Culture-Discussion response

W5 Culture-Discussion response Hello, Thank you for sharing your post. There is a perfect storm that is brewing in the nursing profession. The number of senior citizens in need of complex medical...

Discussion Response-The Importance of Screening

Discussion Response-The Importance of Screening Hello, Thank you for sharing your post. Nurse Practitioners are champions of prevention, and whether by intervention, vaccination education, secondary...

Advanced Nurse Practitioners Prescription Roles

Advanced Nurse Practitioner’s Prescription Roles Advanced nurse practitioners must possess the capacity to decide based on examination, diagnosis, and review of test results (APN). They have...

Primary Care NP Role VS. APN Roles

Primary Care NP Role VS. APN Roles We must remember that the population of the United States has been continuously increasing during the course of the twentieth century. Younger people are growing...