Latest News - Nursing

Translation Research

Translation Research Part 1 Translational research aims to put scientific discoveries from fundamental or clinical investigations into practice. Faulty or biased clinical and translational research...

The Nurse Leader as a Knowledge Worker

The Nurse Leader as a Knowledge Worker The term “knowledge worker” was coined by Peter Drucker in 1959. The term refers to a highly skilled individual who requires specialized knowledge...

Differences between Acute and Chronic Pain

Differences between Acute and Chronic Pain Acute pain usually appears suddenly and is caused by a specific event. Acute pain has a sharp quality to it. It usually lasts no more than six months...

Patient Management and Delegation

Patient Management and Delegation Sentinel Hospital’s simulation in the Medical/Surgical selection was heavily reliant on determining acuity levels, prioritization, and delegation. As the...

Foundational Neuroscience Discussion

Foundational Neuroscience Discussion Some issues concerning antipsychotic drugs have yet to be resolved. The therapeutic potency of these drugs is proportional to their affinity for dopamine D2...