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How to write nursing philosophy

 How to write nursing philosophy

Nursing philosophy definition is a mission statement that expresses a nurse’s values, ethics, and beliefs. In addition, it expresses the motivation of the nurse to be in the profession. Perspective on nurses’ skills, education and provision of health care is also catered for in nursing philosophy.

Is nursing philosophy important?

Nursing philosophy is essential to the profession. Below are a couple of reasons why nursing philosophy comes in handy in the aspect of the provision of care.

  1. Improvement in the attribute of communication skills

During the administration of patient care, nurses are involved in interactions with patients, their families, and their colleagues. Good communication expresses integrity, dependability, and respect. A good example in helping a colleague perform a complex procedure brings out dependability.

  1. Helps nurses to have endurance during tough times

The motivational attribute of nursing philosophy helps nurses to be able to go through the long night and high-pressure situations that include patients that have dire requirements. Motivation may come from having a memory of the reason why you became a nurse and at times the reason might be, for example, to have an impact on patients.

  1. Nursing philosophy offers assistance to nurses in the writing of a definitive and eye-capturing resume objective

A resume objective contains goals and aspirations and needs to be succinct to be on point without boring the reader. Enables you to be able to have answers to questions that may arise during nursing interviews. During interviews, questions may arise about your motivation and how your values align with the motive of the organization. Having a good read and comprehension of your nursing philosophy will help you to come up with answers to the questions.

  1. Nursing philosophy will offer assistance in the decision-making you choose during the development of your career

Your motive and impact activities as pillar stones to how you position yourself in different nursing roles during the development of your career.

Key components of a personal nursing philosophy

Below is a definitive description to follow when writing your personal philosophy:

  • The sole responsibility of a nurse is in the provision of health care and management of patients. Nurses should play their roles accordingly.
  • Knowledge is more of a concern based on merits, demerits of nursing studies and how they are of importance to nursing students.
  • Value is the inner drive that provides a nurse with the willpower to have attributes such as caring, empathy and humanity.
  • The process is an outlined step to step procedure that nurses should adhere to have positive results during the administration of health care. The process is modified when necessary.

Tips on how to write a nursing philosophy

  • Keep the statement simple and have a maximum of two to three statements.
  • Use statements that show you have the intent and you are prepared for action.
  • Be genuine with yourself and show intent while explaining why the nursing profession is important to you.
  • Be open to change if your interest change and your first nursing philosophy will probably not be your last. Ensure that you do not lose your values or put goals aside when being open to change.
  • Make a copy of your nursing philosophy for yourself. In my, experience having a copy of your dream and goal increases your chances of achieving them.

Sources to learn more about nursing philosophy

There are many sources to find data and information that you use during the writing of nursing philosophy including journals, blogs/websites, YouTube videos, podcasts, and books.

How to write a nursing philosophy

Follow the steps below during the drafting of your nursing philosophy.

  • You should determine why you are interested in the nursing profession. In this section, you should think back to the reasons that inspired you to become a nurse. An example might be having someone in your family who was involved in the provision of health care or other cases having someone who needed health care.
  • Determine why the nursing profession is of huge importance to you. Talking about the feeling of satisfaction you get when administering healthcare or the importance of the bonds you make with your patients is the basis of this point.
  • Know the skills and attributes that you have that enable you to become an elite nurse. List the traits and skills that make you great at your work. A couple of examples are empathy, communication, integrity, leadership, time management, and organization.
  • Know the values that ensure proper approach to the administration of health service. List the values in your nursing philosophy and they may include innovation, service, commitment, accountability, teamwork, patience, and integrity. Afterward, connect how the values go together with nursing profession.
  • Consider the results and impact that you prefer to have being a registered nurse. This is more of the goals that you have set for yourself during your career. Having a positive impact is a drive that should be present when writing a nursing philosophy. An example may be creating the best environment when providing health care.
  • Re-evaluate your nursing philosophy as time goes on in your nursing profession. This is to ensure that your philosophy evolves with you.

Questions to answer when developing a nursing philosophy

  1. You should answer the question of why nursing is important. Nursing philosophy is more of a personal definition of the nursing profession and is usually emotional as it is an expression. Determine the roles played by nurses in the fostering of your definition of nursing.
  2. The reason why you chose to be a nurse is important when writing a nursing philosophy. Write about past experiences that might have chaperoned you to the profession. During answering this question, think back to what brought you to the nursing path.
  3. Explain your personal beliefs and how they impact the nursing profession. Being an aspirational section, talk about how you intend to have an impact during the provision of patient care procedures.
  4. You should give a detailed explanation of the attributes that make an elite nurse. In the definition embed attributes that you have, that will propel you to the vision of being a great nurse.
  5. Answer question about the skills that are present in a nurse that enables them to provide high health care services. The skills include working well in group work, critical thinking, and strong decision-making.
  6. The easiest and fastest way a nurse understands the framework of nursing is through nursing theories. You learn concepts and ideas of the nursing practice. Examples of nursing theories include;
  • The self-care theory
  • Theory of interpersonal relationship
  • The care, cure, core theory
  • The Casey model of nursing
  • The Martha Rogers theory
  • Cultural care theory
  1. If given a chance, would you choose the same path of nursing profession again? This is more of an illustration of your love for the profession and shows that no regret is present with your decision. Challenging as it is to be a nurse, express the reasons that will motivate you to continue providing elite work at all times.

Philosophy of nursing examples

The idea of philosophy may vary from one nurse to another.  With an increase in experience, there comes more tune between a nurse and their values. Consider the following examples of the philosophy of nursing plus the type of nurse they are. Through this, you will have a clear-cut idea of how to develop your nursing philosophy.

  1. My philosophy recognizes nurses as human beings that also need our care and love. We should appreciate the effort they go through to make sure everyone gets the best care they deserve. All the top notch health form we in is because of nurses.”
  2. We go to hospitals seeking solutions. We weigh all our alignments on the nurses and always expect nothing less of perfection from them. They hurt with us, they feel the losses and failures harder than us even but they never give up. They are heroes.”
  3. “Nursing is not just a career, it’s a lifestyle. It is the way people live their daily lives making choices and how each of these choices affect them physically, mentally and even spiritually. Nurses dedicate their lives to serving others. They live their lives taking care of others and trying to solve all the problems they have brought upon themselves with their daily choices.”
  4. “In this profession of being a nurse I treat all my patients the way I would treat any of my family member. Patients require more from us than just treatment. They need love, assurance and support through the hard situations they go through. It is part of my job to be all this to them.”
  5. “I believe being trusted with the care of someone else’s child is a gift. As a neonatal nurse, my services are for everyone that needs help by using my skills to be actively involved in their journey of healing so they can recover and grow up to live healthy lives.”

To Sum Up

In consideration of what we have discussed, the points will enable you to generate a good nursing philosophy. The nursing philosophy you generate should align with your attributes and goals. Make sure you abide by your nursing philosophy.

You should have changes to your nursing philosophy as time goes on to conquer the position you are in your career. Change your goals after achievement but not your values. At we also provide nursing philosophy paper writing services.