Latest News - Sociology

SOC-449 Intake Interview

SOC-449 Intake Interview Briefly summarize your client and the reason for their visit to the agency. (40-50 words) Derrick was having trouble with his eating. He complained that he had stomach pain...

An Analysis of Food Security

An Analysis of Food Security Food insecurity is a global concern and more so in developing countries. According to the brief by the UN, the main issue in the world is not the lack of food but rather...

Social Discussion-The Case of Dalia

Social Discussion-The Case of Dalia Working With Children and Adolescents: The Case of Dalia The self-harming behaviors that Dalia exhibits include overindulgence in alcohol drinking, truancy,...

The Future of Work

The Future of Work Jobs that Could be Automated in Future The future of work means that individuals and organizations are moving away from a classic model of employment where most careers tend to...

Child Abuse Final Essay

Child Abuse Final Essay Child abuse is a common societal problem that has been overlooked for a long time in today’s society. It involves physical abuse, emotional abuse, physical neglect, emotional...

White Privilege

White Privilege Even though the term “White privilege” is common in society today, the use of the term “Black privilege” has also seen a significant rise in recent years. The use of the term “Black...