Latest News - Nursing

Effective Approaches In Leadership And Management

Effective Approaches In Leadership And Management As the patient population ages, there is a greater demand for nurses in all healthcare facilities. Furthermore, with the implementation of the...

Cultural Representations Of Social Class

Cultural Representations Of Social Class Culture is made up of norms, beliefs, and values. These are things that we are born knowing and that we learn over time from our parents and later from...

Human Computer Interface (HCI)

Human-Computer Interface (HCI) HCI is defined as socio-technological disciplines that bring the power of communications and computer systems to individuals in a way and form that is useful and...

Essentials Of Evidence-Based Practice

Essentials Of Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) enables nurses to provide the care that patients require in an accurate and cost-effective manner. The use of EBP in nursing to...

Culturally Competent Care

Culturally Competent Care As nurses, we are expected to make decisions and represent our patients. Nurses are constantly exposed to today’s society and a diverse population that relies on...