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Fetal Abnormality

Fetal Abnormality What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?...

Cultural and Ethical Implications in Research

Cultural and Ethical Implications in Research Ethical Implications       Human subjects’ research is conducted for systematic collection and analysis of data from which conclusions can be...

A Review of Current Healthcare Issues

A Review of Current Healthcare Issues Without a doubt, in addition to advanced education practices, one of the primary healthcare issues facing Americans today is the rising cost of care  (Auerbach,...

Where in the World is Evidence-Based Practice

Where in the World is Evidence-Based Practice? Evidence-based practice (EBV) is the concept that all occupational practices, such as nursing care or medicine in general, must use scientific evidence...

Maternal Mortality

Maternal Mortality Although the reduction of maternal mortality is a key agenda of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), maternal death remains a public health menace in many regions worldwide....

Case Study Analysis

Case Study Analysis The teenage girl’s case is about assessing and evaluating the factors affecting fertility, specifically STD/PID. Risk factors for fertility are those situations that expose...