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Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication Understanding Intercultural Communication Is Critical Good contact is required for the efficient transmission of knowledge and information. Cultural interaction is...

Advocacy for Clinical Mental Health Counselors

Advocacy for Clinical Mental Health Counselors The Mental Health Access Improvement Act (H.R. 3662) is one federal policy issue that the ACA is currently working to change. The bill significantly...

Quality Improvement Proposal

Quality Improvement Proposal This paper will provide an overview of a common issue related to the prolonged turnover time that occurs in operating rooms (ORs) across the country. It will also...

Community Health

Community Health A community health assessment (CHA) is the foundation for improving a community’s health. The ability of individuals to cope with various illnesses, as well as the physical...

Enhancing Quality And Safety

Enhancing Quality And Safety Medication administration errors can occur as a result of any of the five rights (right patient, medication, time, dose, and route). A medication error is defined as...

Healthcare Community Resources

Healthcare Community Resources  As healthcare becomes more complex, health systems will require assistance from the community, states, governments, and international communities. With globalization...