Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration and Disease
The four parts of the biblical narrative show man that God is a creator and a giver of life. His intention from the very beginning was to have everlasting communion with man. He wanted man to enjoy a life here on earth with no pain and sorrow. However, by being disobedient, Adam introduced death to man, and with that came sickness and disease. Man can no longer live forever in a fallen world and has to die at one time in his life. However, this death does not need to be eternal. Eternal death comes from a refusal to accept the free gift of everlasting life in heaven (Casey, 2009). Jesus Christ came as a man, bore our sins and sicknesses so that man who accepts this redemption may be reconciled to the God the father and have the relationship that God had with Adam.
The Book of Revelation describes how Jesus as a righteous judge, will separate the wheat from the chaff, and those who have accepted his redeeming grace will be captured in the air and enter into heaven. In heaven, there will be no sickness or sorrow, neither will there be aging and dying (Holy Bible: New international version. (2022). Rev 21:4). Hence, although Adam sinned, a second Adam came to right the wrong. While we are still here on earth, a Christian can still tap into the healing grace of Jesus Christ because the bible says that by ‘His stripes we are healed’(Isaiah 53:3). Healing is physical, emotional, and spiritual but only comes through faith in the finished work of the cross. While it is not always the case, because a number of factors come into play, a person can be miraculously healed or progressively healed through faith and interventions, especially medical interventions (Village, 2005).
A person can find hope in knowing that our bodies are only temporary habitations for our spirits. When one dies in faith, they will be raised in the spirit; every sickness shall be lifted off the temporary temple. Thus, a person needs to put their faith and hope in the resurrecting power that comes from accepting the finished work of salvation at the cross.
Casey, J. (2009). After Lives: A Guide to Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. Oxford University Press.
Holy Bible: New international version. (2022). Bible Society Australia.
Village, A. (2005). Dimensions of belief about miraculous healing. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 8(2), 97-107.
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Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration and Disease
What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness, according to this narrative? Explain in detail each part of the narrative above and analyze the implications.