Latest News - Nursing

Certification and Licensure Plan

Certification and Licensure Plan A summary of the findings Nursing practitioners’ (NPs’) certification and licensure are critical processes in their careers because they help to...

Organizational Performance Initiative

Organizational Performance Initiative Within the healthcare field, there are numerous organizational issues to choose from. One of the issues is medication error, which occurs far more frequently...

Current Issue in Healthcare

Current Issues in Healthcare When a natural disaster is on the horizon and heading toward a specific area, little can be done to prevent it. Still, a lot can be done to prepare for it and mitigate...

Week 8 Discussion: Contemplation and Consideration

Week 8 Discussion: Contemplation and Consideration My ethical theory is founded on honesty and self-discipline. Self-discipline indicates that people control their emotions and act correctly even...

Information Technology Self Assessment

Information Technology Self Assessment  The first new skill I want to learn is inserting video and audio files into PowerPoint. I need to learn this new skill for various reasons, the most important...