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120+ nursing projects topics

nursing projects topics

A nursing project is integral for you to get an undergraduate degree. During writing of a nursing project, you should research a certain theme and you should not add new information or ideas just reviewing the existing ones. Nursing students are allowed to work on the nursing project either individually or in groups.

How to write nursing projects

Nursing projects become hectic to students as it requires lots of time, patience, research, skills and knowledge. Lots of work is needed before the start of writing. A good outline is half the work required. You should work on the body before doing the introduction and conclusion.

Being in clinical placement or not, your nursing project should include the following:

  • Educational evaluation
  • Safety of patient
  • Survey
  • Informatics
  • Evidence-based practice
  • Research
  • Improvement of quality

Nursing project grading

Communication, literacy and problem solving skills expression in the nursing project is what is graded. Show best writing skills and if you are having problems, use MSN and DNP project ideas to write the paper. Grade attained in writing of a nursing project is important in future practice.

Professional help

Being a tiresome activity, most nursing students require assistance writing a nursing project paper. Complication and extensive work will be a factor as professors usually have a timeline. If you face difficulties writing your nursing project, visit

 Nursing research topics in medical surgical nursing

Surgical nurses provide care to patients before, during and after the operation, this is known as perioperative care. In this section there is presence of four major points that offer assistance;

  • Assessment
  • Planning
  • Evaluating
  • Implementing

mpetence of a surgical nurse is highly dependent on the nurses having comprehensive knowledge and versatility. Success in the writing of a good nursing project requires a wonderful topic. Here are examples of topics present under this category.

Occurrence of burn out in surgical units

  1. Nurses roe in surgical ward
  2. Post-surgery care
  3. Comprehending medical surgical nursing
  4. Virtuous distress among surgical nurses
  5. Nurses use of critical thinking in the provision of care
  6. Importance of presence of nurses in operating theaters
  7. Surgical sepsis
  8. General anesthesia complications
  9. Comparison between major and minor surgeries
  10. Role of nurses in the treatment of wound of patients intensive care
  11. The use of technology in contemporary surgical nursing
  12. Diabetic foot treatment and care

Midwifery research project topics

A midwife majors in the care of pregnant women, childbirth, and the reproductive health. Emergencies present in pre and post natal care also fall into your category. Below are a couple of examples you can explore:

  1. Delayed clamping of cord effects
  2. Care provision in reference to maternal and neonatal care in remote regions
  3. Mental illnesses present in the postnatal period
  4. HIV impact on pregnant women
  5. Risks faced by obese women in undergoing natural birth
  6. Water birth pros and cons
  7. Hepatitis B impacts in pregnant women
  8. Obstetrics advance trends
  9. Midwifery and gynecology emerging trends
  10. View of midwifery as a career path
  11. Malnutrition in children below five years and factors contributing
  12. Midwife role in improving safety of both mother and child during delivery
  13. Post-delivery symptoms of neonatal sepsis
  14. Undergraduate students use of contraceptives
  15. Education of high school students on sexual and reproduction
  16. Antenatal myths and knowledge on preeclampsia and eclampsia

Infection control project ideas

This involves preventing the spread of an infectious disease in a hospital setting. You can choose a topic on infectious control as your subject matter. Below are examples that you can choose from:

  1. Infections that are ventilator-associated
  2. Urinary tract infections that are catheter-associated
  3. Bacterial pathogens that are drug resistant
  4. Antimicrobial resistance
  5. Abiding by guidelines on hand hygiene
  6. Solution on over use of antibiotics
  7. Prevention and control of spread of infectious diseases ii high schools
  8. Wound healing bacteriotherapy
  9. Management of health care associated infections
  10. Prevention of the spread of organisms that are antibiotic resistant

Evidence-based practice nursing project topics

There are two types of evidence-based practice nursing projects and both of them can be used at a particular setting. Qualitative and quantitative can be further subdivided. You can take into consideration some of the topics below in order to structure a winning paper:

  1. Improved quality care via evidence-based nursing
  2. Implications in quality in reference to theoretic foundations
  3. Practices for disabled
  4. Palliative care in an inpatient in reference to evidence based practice view
  5. The perspective of mental health on the basis of evidence based practice
  6. Recruitment of nursing staff on the basis of evidence-based practice
  7. Why is evidence based practice of importance and its value
  8. The view of nurses on the application of evidence based practice
  9. Giving account on the issues facing the application of evidence based practice
  10. Elaborating how nurses put in to practice evidence based practice
  11. Does evidence based practice improve nurses critical thinking?
  12. Is there a role played by evidence based practice in intensive care?
  13. Investigation on how medical practitioners view the application of evidence based practice
  14. The application of evidence based practice with the use of social media
  15. Evidence based practice based on different treatment procedures

Nursing project ideas for mental health

It is important to discuss the various issues surrounding mental health even though there is presence of a lot of prejudice on the topic. Below are some topics that might help you come up with a good nursing project.

  1. Mental health impact on children of sexual abuse
  2. Homelessness effects on mental health
  3. Management of post-traumatic stress disorder
  4. Stigma to family if a member suffers from mental illness
  5. Methods to prevent suicide among teenagers
  6. How to bring mental health programs to different communities
  7. Offering of mental health services to deaf people
  8. How to improve the education on mental health?
  9. How beneficial is the use of drugs in tackling mental health cases?
  10. How to make decisions on behalf of mental health patients?
  11. How to improve mental health education among patients?
  12. Bipolar disorders
  13. Recovery methods of patients with traumatic experiences
  14. Treating psychiatric patients with behavioral therapy
  15. Are therapies beneficial in the treatment of mental conditions
  16. Attitude of nurses towards relapse of patients in mental hospitals

 Nursing informatics project topics

In this modern era, the use of technology has played an important role in the nursing profession. Below are a number of suggestions to choose from:

  1. Robotics use in surgery
  2. Healthcare facilities management of data
  3. Security of data
  4. Technology use in nursing training
  5. Nursing informatics controversies
  6. Methods of upgrading informatics in hospitals
  7. Improvement of health in remote areas by e-health
  8. Health care facilities prevention of data breaching
  9. Nursing informatics importance
  10. Data breaches impacts
  11. Medical industry data management and ethics

Pediatric nursing project topics

High quality provision of health care to children is of huge importance. Here are some ideas to use when writing on this topic:

  1. Characteristic that can lead a nurse to know a sexually abused kid
  2. Children with sleep apnea
  3. Ways to handle children who have terminal ailments
  4. The effects to staff in hospital on child death
  5. Divorce impact on children mentally
  6. Methods by which pediatric care to the less fortunate can bee improved
  7. Meningitis prevention and management
  8. Autism diagnosis and management
  9. How to improve provision of healthcare to children who have cancer?

Project topics on nursing burnout

Burnout is an issue in cases where nurses work for long hours. This is usually a case in facilities that are understaffed or service a huge amount of patients than the facility can handle. In other cases it might occur in case there is an incident that has increased the number of patients that average a specific institution. Below are examples of topics if you would prefer to write on the said topic:

  1. Identification and prevention of nurse burnout
  2. Comparison of burnout in two different place
  3. Group therapy impact on nurses
  4. How countries approach burn out and the differences
  5. Education in universities to students on how to avoid burn out
  6. Methods to cope with burn out
  7. Patient safety and effects whenever a nurse faces burn out
  8. Main signs of burn out
  9. Identifying work places that can cause burn out

Health promoting nursing project ideas

These are topics base on promoting health care services, relieve, and manage healthy living. Below are topics to help you:

  1. HIV awareness
  2. Educating on importance of cancer screening
  3. Promote healthy living and the importance
  4. Education on damage to passive smokers
  5. Sexual awareness campaigns
  6. Advocate awareness on the effect of opioids
  7. Presence of bias in financing health care
  8. Advocate awareness of mental health

In conclusion

With the above nursing project topics, you should be set to go. Writing your nursing project will become much easier. Choose a topic that is suitable for you. Back up the project with data that is heavily researched in the body and do a nice conclusion. The topics will assist you choose an adequate nursing project topic. If you are in need of more help, reach us at for assistance with your nursing research papers.