Latest News - Healthcare

Understanding Value-Based Healthcare

Understanding Value-Based Healthcare Abstract The Mucho County Healthcare System seeks to pursue cultural competence for efficient service delivery. The process to achieve cultural competence should...

Implementing Plans to Achieve Community Health

Implementing Plans to Achieve Community Health Planning is critical in health promotion and in the achievement of community health. However, implementing the laid down plans is very essential in...

Module 4-SLP-Public Health Finance and Economics

Module 4-SLP-Public Health Finance and Economics The Anticipated Financial Impact of Mask-wearing Policy The public health policy proposed was to prevent the spread of diseases by wearing face masks...

Sterile Processing Case Studies Project

Sterile Processing Case Studies Project Case Study 1 Background Effective decontamination of surgical equipment is one of the most critical steps that healthcare facilities can use to stop...

Historical Changes-Medicare

Historical Changes-Medicare Medicare is a national health insurance program in the United States that provides a full range of services. Medicare originally referred to a program that provided...