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Healthcare Community Resources

Healthcare Community Resources 

As healthcare becomes more complex, health systems will require assistance from the community, states, governments, and international communities. With globalization as the driving force behind changes in global health, there has been a need for health promotion aimed at disease eradication as well as combating both communicable and non-communicable diseases that have arisen as a result of globalization (Brabury-Jones & Clark, 2017). The achievement of these health promotion goals necessitates efficient and effective healthcare systems. The Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) is among the health systems that have the vision of achieving these health promotion objectives through controlling disease outbreaks, helping people to avoid the main cause of death, making sure that food and water are safe, and working globally to reduce the threats to the U.S. health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). In this paper, we discuss the role of the CDC and its contribution to improving public health and safety, promoting equal opportunity, and improving people’s quality of life in the community.

Mission and Vision

The CDC’s mission statement is “to protect America from foreign and domestic health, safety, and security threats” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019, para.1). It aids in the fight against diseases, protecting communities and the nation from dangerous and costly health threats. It promotes public health and safety through a variety of community-based programs, including Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW). This program was launched in 2010 to assist communities in reducing obesity, tobacco use, and secondhand smoke exposure (Soler et al., 2016). The program would save many lives and significantly reduce healthcare costs by reducing obesity and tobacco use, which are the leading risk factors for chronic diseases. It would lead to a healthier lifestyle and the prevention of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. The CPPW and other CDC initiatives help the organization achieve its mission of protecting Americans’ health and promoting public health and policy.

The CDC also works to promote equal opportunity and improve community quality of life. The CDC’s various divisions collaborate to ensure that all Americans benefit equally from health improvements. The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) is one of the CDC’s divisions that works to achieve health equity by eliminating disparities and achieving optimal health for all Americans (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). The CDC also has a Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC), which has been instrumental in identifying opportunities for promoting health equity and establishing priorities for cancer prevention and control for LGBTQ communities (Massetti et al., 2015). The promotion of equal opportunity and the improvement of quality of life is central to the CDC’s operations, as they seek to assist everyone in reaching their full health potential, regardless of social position or any other socially determined circumstance.

The CDC’s Service Provision and Related Factors

When outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as Ebola, or other strains of an infectious illness occur, the CDC’s resources are required. During such outbreaks, the organization works tirelessly to combat the disease, protect populations from its spread, and develop a vaccine to prevent infection. The CDC receives federal budget appropriations through the Department of Health and Human Services, which enables it to carry out its mandates (HHS). In the event that Congress has yet to approve emergency appropriations, the HHS and CDC can redirect funds during an emergency. Otherwise, the supplemental funds are used to fund responses in the event of a health emergency escalation. Other factors that influence the CDC include policies and regulations. The federal register, HHS policies and regulations, and the Code of Federal Regulations are examples of such regulations and policies (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).

Impact on the Community’s Health and Safety Needs

The CDC’s mission is to protect America from both foreign and domestic health threats while also promoting health and safe behaviors in communities. It saves many lives and lowers healthcare costs by promoting individual and community health (Soler et al., 2016). A nurse epidemiologist can help optimize care and prevent and reduce the risk of infection at the CDC.


The primary goal of public health is to protect and improve people’s health as well as the health of the community as a whole. The CDC promotes public health and safety improvements by combating infectious diseases and establishing initiatives to protect people’s health. They support policies that ensure that everyone, regardless of social circumstances, achieves their full health potential.


Bradbury-Jones, C., & Clark, M. (2017). Globalization and global health: issues for nursing. Nursing Standard, 31(39).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019, May 13). Mission, Role, and Pledge.

Fischer, L. S., Santibanez, S., Jones, G., Anderson, B., & Merlin, T. (2017). How Is CDC Funded to Respond to Public Health Emergencies? Federal Appropriations and Budget Execution Process for Non–Financial Experts. Health security, 15(3), 307-311.

Massetti, G. M., Ragan, K. R., Thomas, C. C., & Ryerson, A. B. (2016). Public health opportunities for promoting health equity in cancer prevention and control in LGBT populations. LGBT health, 3(1), 11–14.

Soler, R., Orenstein, D., Honeycutt, A., Bradley, C., Trogdon, J., Kent, C. K., … & Bunnell, R. (2016). Community-based interventions to decrease obesity and tobacco exposure and reduce health care costs: outcome estimates from Communities Putting Prevention to Work for 2010–2020.


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Research an organization that provides helpful services in your community and write a 1-page summary using the prompts below.

Healthcare Community Resources

Healthcare Community Resources

  • What organization did you choose and what services do they provide?


St. Pete Free Clinic

  • Who does the organization serve and how?
  • What makes the organization unique, or stand out from similar organizations?