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Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research

 Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence-based practice and research

This research paper compares and contrasts evidence-based practice evaluations. EBP is defined as the meticulous, precise, and careful application of current, reliable, research-based verification when assessing patients. (2013) (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and O’Grady). Evidence-based practice is designed to be directed at the same patient group, whereas research is designed to apply to everyone in the healthcare system. Each company that uses the system is in charge of evidence-based practice. The research combines EBP and philosophies on a floor, private clinic, division, resource, hospital, state, or global scale, working as a member of a skilled team on a facility, health care organization, nationwide, or global scale to establish clinical practice directives of best practice assertions. 2013; Hamric et al.

Research is used to influence and generate new information that can be simplified. Research has immediate benefits, while evidence-based practice advances for future use. Nurse practitioners and researchers should always be confident in their ability to assess and apply any evidence, techniques, combinations, or investigations. 2013; Hamric et al. Regulations govern research, institutional review boards, the Bureau of Human Research Protections, the Food and Drug Administration, and local and state laws. Participants in evidence-based practice are expected to benefit from an improved method, face challenges in obtaining the same treatment, and the establishment of a review board is not required. Participants in research may or may not gain anything as a result of their participation; participants are informed of the risks, sign informed consent forms, and become members of an institutional review board. Research findings must be publicized, both locally and nationally, and printed as research with broad-based information. (2011) (Harris Health System). Evidence-based practice is more beneficial in nursing because patients benefit from established practice.

Describe the significance and application of health care information, data mining, and its significance to patient care outcomes.

Data mining is becoming more common, if not fundamental, in the healthcare industry. All those involved in the healthcare industry can benefit from data mining. Data was mined from telemedical physical data in a congestive heart failure patient study, and regulated patient-reported results were determined using that data. (2018) (Mlakar et al.). Twenty-four patients took part in a research study on congestive heart failure and home monitoring. (2018) (Mlakar et al.). The patients were seen in a clinic and then sent home with a telemetry monitor to wear, as well as a daily diary of how they felt. Data mining was used to investigate how the collected cardiac data correlated with how the patients described their daily diary conditions and how they could improve their quality of life. The study results were assigned to the doctors so that they could compare the patients’ blood pressures to their daily diaries and how they reported feeling. Doctors could modify their blood pressure medications after recognizing the data mining results. (2018) (Mlakar et al.). In the healthcare industry, data mining can improve patient-organization connection preferences, medical providers categorize appropriate treatments and best procedures, and patients receive improved and, ultimately, more reasonably priced healthcare services. The enormous amount of data collected by healthcare operations are extremely complex. Data mining can help improve financial operations that are too large for standard systems to handle.

Discuss the impact of data mining and interpretation on case management and utilization.

In Minnesota, HealthPartners publishes an Annual Health Plan Quality Evaluation that includes a Utilization Management (UM) Program Description as an addendum to the Quality Program Description. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). Quality enhancement and application utilities are used by HealthPartners to increase the benefits of well-being, knowledge, and cost-effectiveness. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). According to HealthPartners, combining case management and health care allows them to improve their participation by ensuring that excellence and proficiency are always considered when providing operational and organizational plans. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). HealthPartners has incorporated its operation organization plan into its Annual Health Plan Quality Evaluation to strengthen this methodology. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). Data mining and interpretation influence case management and utilization by HealthPartners in order to improve the outcomes of their patients and members in healthcare settings. Chronic illnesses affect approximately half of the population in the United States. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). HealthPartners promotes successful variation changes in healthcare providers in order to maintain evidence-based clinical and quality improvement in a wide range of healthcare settings. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). The approach’s goal is to improve the wellness outcomes of affiliates with co-morbidities and to prevent or delay the onset of these illnesses. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). HealthPartners discovered that with these proposals, improvements could be gradual and time-consuming. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation). HealthPartners has demonstrated that provider echelon arrangement and progression changes precede the most consistent improvement, and they continue to encourage practitioners to use best practices in their patient support. (2020 Quality Improvement Program Evaluation).

Describe managed care participation, as well as the significance of quality care initiatives and performance indicators.

Managed care is a wellness treatment approach that was developed to manage expenses, utilization, and quality through commissioned agreements between state Medicaid organizations and managed care organizations (MCO) that stipulate a specific payment per month for examinations and services provided. 2020 (Medicaid). Quality care initiatives and performance indicators should be used to improve this patient population’s provisions in governed care.

Making Healthcare Safer is a three-part series from AHRQ that combines evidence for healthcare providers, health organization officials, investigators, and government organizations about procedures to maintain patient safety throughout the healthcare organization, from inpatient hospitals to outpatient clinics, long-term care services and other healthcare locations. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). Despite ongoing national consideration and effective interventions, patient welfare remains a significant financial impediment in the United States. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). Maltreatments such as harmful drug incidents, hospital-acquired diseases, falls, and harmful obstetrical incidents have been found to be to blame for many deaths and grievances each year. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). The Making Healthcare Safer III chronicle reveals this recurring issue by reinforcing the execution of patient safety procedures where appropriate, improving the structure of patient safety changes, and respecting the circumstantial dynamics that can lead to positive patient safety mediations. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). Making Healthcare Safer III assesses 47 systems designed to improve patient safety in infirmaries, outpatient clinics, long-standing services, and other healthcare settings. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). The 47 systems identify dangerous issues such as prescription administration, nosocomial contagions, nursing procedures, technical procedures, and inaccurate diagnoses. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). The study includes clinical assessment provision skills, the use of rapid-response teams, exceptional asepsis and cleaning involvements to avoid hospital-acquired infections, and numerous systems designed to prevent drug miscalculations and reduce opioid abuse and overdose. Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the Twenty-First Century, AHRQ, 2020). AHRQ’s established quality care proposals are intended to improve all healthcare measures and safeguards, resulting in a better patient experience and higher patient approval. The performance indicators will demonstrate how successful and proficient the initiatives are in achieving the primary goal of providing excellent patient-centered health care.


AHRQ’s Making Healthcare Safer Reports: Shaping Patient Safety Efforts in the 21st Century. (n.d.). Retrieved October 02, 2020, from

Hamric, A., Hanson, C., Tracy, M. F., O’Grady, E. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, 5th Edition. [[VitalSource Bookshelf version]]. Retrieved from vbk://9781455739806

Harris Health System: Differentiating between EBP, QI, and Research. (2011). Retrieved from between-ebp-qi-research.pdf

Improving Data Collection across the Health Care System. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2020, from reports/iomracereport/reldata5.html – Managed Care. (2020). Retrieved from

Mlakar M, Puddu PE, Somrak M, Bonfiglio S, Luštrek M; Chiron and HeartMan research projects. Mining telemonitored physiological data and patient-reported outcomes of congestive heart failure patients. PLoS One. 2018 Mar 1;13(3):e0190323. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0190323. PMID: 29494601; PMCID: PMC5832202.

Quality Improvement Program Evaluation. (n.d.). Retrieved from uments/entry_191059.pdf


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Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence-based practice and research. Describe the importance and application of health care information, data mining, and importance to application in patient care outcomes

Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence based practice and research

Describe and evaluate the differences between evidence-based practice and research

Discuss how data mining and interpretation influence case management and utilizationDescribe participation in managed care and the importance of quality care initiatives and performance indicators (remember to use AHRQ as a resource) 2pg plus references