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Compelling Clinical Questions

Compelling Clinical Questions

Substance abuse treatment services are an example of case management that was developed to assist people who are struggling to stop using drugs or alcohol. Community-based agencies contracted by the DHS/Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse provide substance abuse treatment services (DHS, 2016). This service allows nurses to conduct more in-depth assessments and treatments for people who live in close proximity to their homes and communities. Furthermore, it allows for closer collaboration between nurses and the local community, ensuring that the program is owned by the community. The nurses deliver treatment services on a continuum, with individuals progressing from one level of care to the next based on their assessed needs (DHS, 2016).

used evidence

According to drug and alcohol rehab statistics, the percentage of people who relapse after a period of recovery ranges from 40% to 80%. Relapse among drug addicts occurs as a result of a lack of adequate support, as well as the people and places they hang out with that remind them of using drugs. The other cause is an individual’s emotional or stressful situation in which he or she found solace in using drugs. For these reasons, nurses would be used to provide additional care to these individuals closer to their communities and homes. This evidence reflected scientific as well as intuitive knowledge. This is because rigorous testing and observation were performed to determine the causes of relapse and the likelihood of one relapsing (Stephens et al., 2012, p, 78).

Results of the practice

Since the establishment of substance abuse treatment services in local communities, nurses have played an important role in providing closer monitoring and care to these individuals, and their efforts have paid off. The rate of relapse did significantly decrease. A study of 4,422 people with alcoholism found that a year after seeking treatment for substance abuse, 41% of them stopped drinking completely. Approximately 33% of those polled had successfully moderated their drinking habits. The rest had reduced their drinking and were thought to be at a higher risk of relapse. Other long-term studies on people with alcoholism and other addictions yielded similar results (Queensland Government, 2013).

This change in practice was supported by adequate and appropriate evidence. The reason for this is that it provided the underlying/cause for relapse as well as the best option for assisting people with substance abuse (getting closer to them). Furthermore, the nurses’ assistance to drug addicts was instrumental in lowering relapse rates. Working with the local communities and the addicts, the nurses were there to oversee their full recovery and offer advice and strategies to help the addicts avoid relapsing and resuming drug use.


DHS. (2016). Case Management Services. Retrieved Jan 29, 2017, from Illinois department of human services:

Stephens, R. C., Scott, C. K., & Muck, R. D. (2012). Clinical assessment and substance abuse treatment: The target cities experience. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Queensland Government (2013).Relapse Prevention and Management. Brisbane: In Sight Alcohol and Other Drug Unit. – See more at


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Describe how to create a compelling clinical question in practice review.

Compelling Clinical Questions

Compelling Clinical Questions

In this discussion, provide a definition of compelling clinical questions that exemplify how a clinical question is developed for evidence review. Include 2–3 references utilizing APA 7th edition formatting.  1 page long.