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Comparing and Contrasting Theories

Comparing and Contrasting Theories

Orem’s model of self-care is based upon the idea that individuals are responsible for their healthcare. A healthy person in her model through self-care can live life to the fullest and will continue this healthy life through continued self-care. Someone who is a self-care deficit would be an unhealthy person. The deficit would be failing to carry out one or more of Orem’s list of healthcare activities. Self-care is broken up into two groups in her model, “universal self-care,” which is made up of common everyday activities that support the function, growth, and development of the human. The second type of self-care is meeting one of six self-care activities set forth by Orem. The environment is generally viewed as a negative factor in this model because it limits our ability to self-care. As a nurse, our role is to help individuals with self-care activities, so they can reach the highest level of human functioning.

Roy’s model is based on the idea that through adaptation, man can reach their highest level of health. In Roy’s model, both inputs and outputs make up the constantly changing person. Inputs are stimuli we receive from the external environment. Our behavior or “output” is the result of the inputs. Roy has developed four adaption methods that we use to respond to these stimuli. Health in this model is defined by where the client sits on the continuum between perfect health and complete illness and is determined by how we adapt to constant stimuli. Nursing is then a process that aids people as they continue to attempt to adapt to stimuli through the four adaptive modes.

In both models, the nurse acts as an aid to help the individual to achieve the highest level of health. In Roy’s model, the environment is a major contributor to the health of the individual. In Omen’s model, the environment only plays a slight role in health, and the individual is more personally responsible. The client is constantly adapting in Roy’s model, and in Omen’s model, the person must maintain the required self-cares to achieve health. Nursing in Roy’s model is a multi-step process that helps the clients adapt, compared to Omen’s, where nursing is about assistance in self-care activities.

I believe Omen’s Self-Care model best fits my views and beliefs. Although I believe that external stimuli play a role in health, I would have to say human’s ability for self-care is a greater contributor to health. This view, I believe, has been shaped by my nutrition class. Many of the current disease people can be prevented through self-care. These activities can include maintaining a proper diet that accounts for all the body’s nutritional needs and maintaining a certain level of physical activity, along with avoiding risky behaviors like drug use, consuming large amounts of alcohol, and other hazards to life. As a nurse, I will educate my patients about the nutritional needs of the body and how exercise can help maintain a healthy life. I will also educate about the risk associated with risky behaviors such as smoking and health conditions that can result from a sedimentary lifestyle.


Catalano, J.T. (2015). Nursing Now! Today’s issues, Tomorrow’s Trends. (7th ed). Philadelphia, F.A. Davis Company.


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Module 04 Discussion – Comparing and Contrasting Theories

Discussion Topic

Activity Time:

2 hours

Additional Time for Study, Research, and Reflection:

2 hours


For this discussion, in three to four paragraphs, contrast two nursing models and theories found in your reading.

Comparing and Contrasting Theories

Comparing and Contrasting Theories

Discuss how they are similar or different in the way the define/discuss health and wellness, illness, the client, the environment, and nursing. Summarize by selecting the one model or theory that aligns best with your beliefs and then describe how this would affect the way in which you would practice nursing.