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Worldview & Decision-Making

Worldview & Decision-Making

My worldview is that planning lessens the adverse impacts of sickness even if there is no recovery assurance. Some of the ailments, such as neurological injury, have devastating impacts, considering that the likelihood of patients” survival is low. However, I believe that advanced planning of care would positively mitigate the negative experiences to help a patient nurse the injuries. My worldview pays attention to selecting pain-relieving, cost-effective treatment capable of increasing my longevity even if chances of survival are low.

My Worldview and Decision Making

Sudden neurological injury has a high chance of leading to death. However, based on my worldview, I believe that advanced care planning for life-sustaining treatment is important. According to Zetoune et al. (2016), neurological injuries have chronic pain that makes an individual live uncomfortably until death. Thus, based on my worldview, it is essential to have advanced care to ensure that the selected treatment options effectively lessen the pains to foster positive nursing of injuries. There is a need to withhold life-sustaining treatment. Some of the processes, such as artificial hydration and nutrition, are painful, calling for the need for effective palliative care to relieve the associated pain (Zetoune et al., 2016). It is also important for the patient to be provided with a model of comfort, nurturing, and caring environment and ensure they participate in decision-making processes. Thus, my worldview would influence decision-making, which is the best palliative care to help realize comfort, less pain, and prolonged life.

Life-sustaining treatment is also important for increasing the longevity of life. Thus, my worldview would influence the best drugs that could increase the lifespan, even if survival chances are low. Treatments do not necessarily result in healing. Others aim to prolong their life span to ensure that they accomplish what they had planned before they die (Magogo et al., 2020). Thus, even if my chances of surviving are low, I would participate in the decision-making process to select the best life-sustaining treatments that could foster an increased lifespan.

Additionally, my worldview holds that patients’ cultures, preferences, and values need to be incorporated into the care process regardless of whether they would survive or succumb to death. Some patients whose conditions worsen when they are not involved in decision-making processes since their preferences may not be integrated into the care plans (Zetoune et al., 2016). Therefore, my worldview would help me decide on the best life-sustaining care that is culturally sensitive. It would also help me select the end-of-life care practices that are aligned with my preferences.

My worldview would also influence decision-making processes on the cost-effective care that I should adopt. In all cases, life-sustaining care is a costly treatment approach that may burden the affected households financially. Even though my likelihood of surviving is very low, I need to select care that would not financially strain those left behind. Patients have the power to approve or reject any care suggested based on cost grounds (Magogo et al., 2020). Thus, I need to participate in decision-making processes to ensure that the selected medications are cost-effective for my family. There are also other cost aspects I should consider in the decision-making process. For instance, the availability of treatment options and the cost of home care. These aspects have significant financial implications hence the need to select one that is cost-friendly to my family.


 My worldview would help in the decision-making process on the best life-sustaining treatment options that could increase my life longevity and relieve pain and reduce the adverse cost implications. Neurological injuries are painful, hence the need to select the treatment. Options to lessen the pain to foster comfortable nursing conditions. The decision-making process would also allow me to select the best treatment options that are cost-effective and aligned with my cultural values and preferences. There is, thus, a need for involvement in decision-making processes even if chances of survival are low.


Magogo, J., Lazaro, A., Mango, M., Zuckerman, S. L., Leidinger, A., Msuya, S. & Härtl, R. (2020). Operative treatment of traumatic spinal injuries in Tanzania: Surgical management, neurologic outcomes, and time to surgery. Global Spine Journal, 219256821989495-2192568219894956. Doi: 10.1177/2192568219894956

Zetoune, T., MD, Lew, L., MD, Guttal, D., MD, Rapaport, S., MD, & Pinto, R., MD. (2016). Awareness of medical orders for life-sustaining treatment and non-hospital, do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders among primary care pediatricians (S782). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 51(2), 453-453. doi:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2015.12.085


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Discuss how your worldview will impact your decision-making about one of the following:

Taking a daily medication to manage a health condition you wish you didn’t have.

Worldview & Decision-Making

Worldview & Decision-Making

Participating in an advance care planning discussion related to your preferences about life-sustaining treatment following a sudden neurological injury from which you are not likely to recover.

Exploring the use of complementary or alternative medicine treatment.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style, with support from at least two academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)

All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.