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Linking Areas of Focus into Future Plans for the DNP

Linking Areas of Focus into Future Plans for the DNP

Doctoral project and practicum experience illustrate the configuration of the AACN DNP essentials. These essentials elaborate the curriculum requirements that should be comprehended in Doctor of Nursing Practice programs. Also, they outline foundational proficiencies that are the core of many advanced nursing practice roles. A huge number of essentials define the curricular elements that must be present in the Doctor of Nursing practice for the African American Association of Colleges of Nursing (Valdres & Smith, 2019). Therefore, this paper will expound on three AANC DNP essentials that most align with completing a doctoral project. In addition, it will also illustrate how the essentials relate to completing the practicum.

AACN DNP Essentials that most align with the completion of a Doctoral Project

 To start with, the essential scientific underpinnings for practice. This essential deals with the ability to address present and future practice issues that integrate nursing science and other scientific foundations to achieve strong practice. Essential (I) insists on the solicitation of ethics, which is significant to the nursing practice and guarantees the highest level of nursing practice. Moreover, I must focus on introducing nursing science, particularly middle-range nursing theories with extended nursing scope. A detailed comprehension assures the basis of advanced nursing practice in an organization of nursing theory. Graduates of the Doctor of nursing practice requirement accentuate that science-based principles should be employed while analyzing and progressing health care conveyance.

The next essential entails organizational and systems leadership for quality improvement and systems thinking. Herein, there is the preparation with cultured experience in evaluating. Organizations, detecting systems’ concerns, and enabling organization-wide changes. An example of work documenting this essential is the elderly abuse project. Doctor of nursing practice graduates significantly contribute to nursing science since they have mastered and progressively utilize organizational theory to gain thoughtful achievement in analyzing, interpreting, and dispensing research into practice for improved patient outcomes. Incorporating organizational management skills enables graduates to serve in different positions while delivering services to patients successfully.

The third essential is the clinical scholarship and analytical methods for evidence-based practice. It insists on incorporating investigative approaches to assess the available works and additional evidence in regulating and executing the most appropriate evidence for practice. For example, an Evidence-based paper from a philosophy course. Doctor of nursing practice is vital since it enables graduates to develop and perfect examination of evidence-based literature by employing it in practice. Nonetheless, this requirement guarantees graduate responsibility and accountability in patient safety, healthcare organizations, quality care, and ethical quandaries inherent in patient care.

How the AACN DNP Essentials will relate to the completion of a practicum

Nursing is a practice profession that imposes the association of experts and nurse scientists to broaden the scientific foundation of patient care and outcomes. Doctoral edification in nursing aims to train nurses for the highest degree of scientific and clinical leadership (Vance et al., 2020). A DNP degree is primarily intended to formulate individuals for specific nursing practices while the essentials enunciate the capabilities required of all nurses during practice. Nevertheless, the DPN Essentials framework is the curricular and proficiencies needed in a Doctor. of Nursing Practice degree acquirement. This ensures that DNP graduates acquire a wide range of nursing practice positions.


Valdres, R., & Smith, M. (2019). DNP Essentials and its application to clinical practice: Practicum I synthesis paper.

Vance, D. E., Heaton, K., Antia, L., Frank, J., Moneyham, L., Harper, D., & Meneses, K. (2020). Alignment of a Ph.D. program in nursing with the AACN report on the research-focused doctorate in nursing: a descriptive analysis. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 604- 610.


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To prepare: Review the AACN DNP Essentials linked below and reflect on how the completion of the Doctoral Project and the completion of a Practicum/Field experience may align with these Essentials.

Linking Areas of Focus into Future Plans for the DNP

Linking Areas of Focus into Future Plans for the DNP

Select at least 3 AACN DNP Essentials to focus on for this Assignment.
The assignment: 2-3 pages, APA format, 3 references, template of the assignment is attachedDescribe the 3 AACN DNP Essentials that most align to the completion of a Doctoral Project. Note: This is in general terms, not in relation to a particular quality improvement or organizational goal. And Explain how the AACN DNP Essentials will relate to the completion of a Practicum/Field Experience. Be specific.