Latest News - Nursing

Quality Improvement Initiative

Quality Improvement Initiative Quality improvement can be considered as a systematic and formal approach for analyzing the performance of the practice and initiating efforts for improvement of...

Pre-Test and Post-Test Evaluation Plan

Pre-Test and Post-Test Evaluation Plan According to Roediger et al. (2011), pre-tests are used at the beginning of courses to determine the knowledge baseline on a subject. This is then related to...

Well Elderly Clinical Experience

Well Elderly Clinical Experience This report details the outcomes of a phone interview with 75-year-old Jennie (not her real name) on the subject of ‘well elderly and clinical care’...

Prescribing for Older Adults and Pregnant Women

Prescribing for Older Adults and Pregnant Women Mild Neurocognitive Disorder DSM-5 in the older adult population Neurocognitive dysfunction Alzheimer’s illness is responsible for dementia, a...