Latest News - Nursing

Application of Standards of Care

Application of Standards of Care Malpractice is the act of neglect or omission that causes injury to the patient. Neglect usually occurs as a result of an error in diagnosis, management, and general...

Advanced Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing

Advanced Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing There have been questions on where nursing theory fits in the future of nursing and the most applicable theory to be emphasized by nurses, especially in...

Week 6 Discussion 2-HP

Week 6 Discussion 2-HP Sukhvir, Thank you for sharing your post. It may be argued that in all of the ways that improvement in technology has enhanced human lives in the world, there is none that is...

W6 HP-Discussion Response

W6 HP-Discussion Response Anu, Thank you for sharing your post. Telemedicine has recently become significantly important because of the increased development and deployment of digital technologies....

Wk 6 Culture-Discussion Response

Wk 6 Culture-Discussion Response Rita, Thank you for sharing your post. When Hispanics are confronted by challenges to their health, such as death, illness, or childbirth, religion will often...