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Mental Health Nursing Practice Essay

Mental Health Nursing Practice Essay

Overview of your understanding of Competencies IV and V.

Nursing competency defines the ability to meet patients’ needs using accurate nursing skills. Nurses are expected to adhere to specific sets of standards, commonly referred to as nursing’s core competencies (Fukada,2018). Competence four describes the need for practice ethically. Competency five emphasizes the importance of collaborating with other professionals. Ethics within the nursing practice is essential because nurses need to have the skills to acknowledge healthcare dilemmas and make better judgments and decisions based on standard values (Fukada,2018). Nurses are expected to adhere to the laws that govern their practice. Like other healthcare providers, nurses must operate within specific ethical standards.

Unlike competency four, that advocates for delivering mental care services with dignity, competency five focuses more on inter-professional collaboration, which is the key to providing quality health care services. A collaborative team approach is ideal for providing the quality care needed to meet patients’ needs changing needs (Fukada,2018). Collaborative practice is an essential skill for nurses who are expected to know and use other experts to enhance the quality of care delivered to patients.

Develop a program-specific quality indicator for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners.

There are numerous quality indicator initiatives for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners. However, a combination of outcome indicators and process indicators is ideal since it reveals the link between service delivery and effectiveness (Sunderji et al., 2017). A comprehensive Mental Health Quality Indicator program needs to comprise a comprehensive assessment to review the patient social health needs, including an assessed risk (Sunderji et al., 2017). The evaluation needs to consider patient needs, such as cultural and religious preference, and encourage patient involvement in the treatment plan. Patients should be involved from the start to formulate and deliver care using a self-care plan, which needs to be tailored for each patient (Sunderji et al., 2017). Patient involvement is critical during the treatment process (Sunderji et al., 2017). Patients need to understand the need for referrals to specialists or other professionals.

Prescription for the mental condition will be based on evidence of local management protocol. The medication choice will depend on individual patient conditions, such as the previous response to drug treatment, the patient’s desire to be sedated, adverse reactions, and comorbid psychiatric or other medical conditions (Sunderji et al., 2017). Other factors, such as concurrent drug treatment and medication risk, such as overdose, are critical considerations when developing a quality indicator program (Sunderji et al., 2017). Clear and accessible information needs to be provided alongside the prescribed drugs, such as information regarding the benefits and side effects (Sunderji et al., 2017). The prescription of medication will be done at a minimum, with the necessary dosage being provided.

When a patient fails to respond to the drug treatment as part of therapeutic dosage, adherence will be evaluated. Psychological treatment will be provided, and counseling to be offered by trained psychotherapists (Sunderji et al., 2017). Patient follow-up will be conducted through regular appointments to assess and conduct follow-up treatment and evaluate symptoms, side effects, and adherence (Sunderji et al., 2017). Regular reviews to monitor patient progress need to be conducted depending on how they respond to the treatment process.

Identify a program-specific interpretive guideline and supporting evidence based on your program’s documents.

The National League for Nursing provides a broad framework that can guide the development of Mental Health Quality Indicators. The NLN offers leadership in establishing quality assurance and improvement processes in nursing care that include written protocols for handling drug users (Pincus et al.,2016). The framework consists of policies regarding mental illnesses, the clear practice of handling such patients, and maintaining confidentiality during and after the treatment process. The National League for Nursing is an ideal interpretive guideline that fosters quality and excellence for psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners.


Fukada, M. (2018). Nursing competency: Definition, structure, and development. Yonago acta medica, 61(1), 001-007.

Pincus, H. A., Scholle, S. H., Spaeth-Rublee, B., Hepner, K. A., & Brown, J. (2016). Quality measures for mental health and substance use: gaps, opportunities, and Challenges. Health Affairs, 35(6), 1000-1008.

Sunderji, N., Ion, A., Ghavam-Rassoul, A., & Abate, A. (2017). Evaluating the implementation of integrated mental health care: a systematic review to guide the development of quality measures. Psychiatric Services, 68(9), 891-898.


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Initial Post

Describe how you achieved each course competency, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency.

Describe how you achieved the transferable skill, Critical Thinking, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to the transferable skill.

Mental Health Nursing Practice Essay

Mental Health Nursing Practice Essay

Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.

Course Competencies

Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing care for clients with neurological disorders.

Outline appropriate nursing strategies for providing care to perioperative clients.

Compare nursing interventions for clients with complex disorders.

Identify strategies for safe nursing practice of the client with multi-system organ failure.

Prioritize nursing interventions for clients with medical emergencies.

Summarize the nurse’s role and care strategies for clients during disasters.

Transferable Skills

Critical Thinking (Application)


You are required to give a minimum of two responses and follow the criteria listed below:

Review how your classmates achieved each course competency and transferable skill.

Identify new knowledge others gained you had not considered.

Describe how this new knowledge could impact your nursing practice.

Initial post due June 13, 11:59 pm. Two reply posts due by *Fri, June 16 11:59 pm (last day of class)

SON Discussion Rubric

Levels of Achievement
Discussion Rubric Criteria (Points)

Initial Posting Comprehension – Points 12

Initial post does not include explanations with examples or supporting evidence. Failure to submit initial posting will result in zero points for this criteria. – Points 9

Initial post includes brief explanation with limited or unclear examples and limited supporting evidence. – Points 10

Initial post includes clear explanation with examples and supporting evidence. – Points 11

Initial post includes comprehensive explanation with detailed examples and supporting evidence. Points 12

Response Posting Reasoning – Points 12

Response to peers attempts to contribute to the discussion but lacks suggestions and/or supporting evidence. Failure to submit response postings will result in zero points for this criteria. – Points 9

Response to peers provides minimal contributions and suggestions with limited or no supporting evidence. – Points 10

Response to peers contributes to the discussion with suggestions and supporting evidence. – Points 11

Response to peers offers substantial contributions and detailed suggestions with supporting evidence. – Points 12

Spelling and Grammar – Points 3

Spelling and grammar contain substantial errors that makes sentences and/or paragraphs incoherent. – Point 0

Spelling and grammar errors occur but are inconsistent. Paragraphs and sentences are coherent but may exhibit spelling errors, run-on’s or fragments, and/or improper verb tense usage. – Point 1

Displays proper grammar application and writing contains minimal to no spelling errors. May contain rare improper uses of words (ex., their vs. there), a misplaced modifier, or a run-on sentence, but does not detract from the overall understanding of the sentence and/or paragraph. – Points 2

Demonstrates an exemplary application of spelling and grammar. – Points 3

APA Citation – Points 3

Citations do not follow APA Style. Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are not cited, or there is no attempt to cite them using APA style. – Point 0

Errors in APA citations are noticeable and may detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, no title provided, year of publication is missing, no punctuation). – Point 1

Errors in APA citations are less noticeable and do not detract from the ability to locate the original source (for example, a missing or misused comma or period, missing parentheses, author name not properly abbreviated, indentation is misaligned). – Points 2

APA citations are free of style and formatting errors. – Points 3