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Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions

Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions

Interdisciplinarity is a term that has varying definitions. According to Carter Good, interdisciplinarity is a method of study in which experts from varying learning fields are brought together in the assessment of a certain problem that is relevant to their approaches (AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report, 2009). However, the Southern Regional Education Board describes it as a cooperation among different disciplines in the same academic or science area, resulting in interaction and reciprocity of exchanges that lead to mutual enrichment (AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report, 2009). The latter definition is commonly applied and implies that individuals from different disciplines strive to solve a problem, address a topic, or answer a question that is considered too complex or broad to be dealt with by a single discipline, hence leading to an integrated and more comprehensive understanding.

I believe that the best way to deal with complex social issues is to embrace an interdisciplinary approach. The pressing issues of our time, such as homelessness and poverty, crime, gender inequality, childhood obesity, and climate change, are some of the complex things that cannot be dealt with through a single discipline. In education, there is also a great need to make use of an interdisciplinary approach to equip students with the relevant knowledge to be able to help solve certain issues in the society. For instance, having a primary major and a linked major is important since the former equips the student with scholarly depth or understanding, whereas the latter provides a broader context that helps one to develop newer ways of thinking. Interdisciplinarity helps me see the need for thinking outside the box to resolve or understand important concepts in the society, which is of great importance while dealing with various social issues.

The most important thing I have learned from Covey in this sub-term is the fifth habit, which involves seeking to understand as opposed to being understood. Covey (2013) outlines the importance of employing empathic communication while interacting with others, taking time to diagnose and understand their issues before offering advice or making conclusions. I am not a very good listener. I often have a need to reply to what someone is telling me, sometimes even relating their situations to mine before they finish telling me what they are going through. As a result, I make early conclusions and advice or opinions that might not be suitable for the person. One of my friends once told me that I needed to work on my listening skills, and so I made a deliberate effort to start listening, but I still failed to connect with what someone says to me.

After reading Covey’s fifth habit of highly effective people, I have been able to understand what it means to actually listen, listening empathically, actively, and reflectively. I strive to understand other people, not trying to pass judgment or make a comparison but to actually reflect on what it means to be in their shoes, as this would allow me to grasp what they are saying and how they feel. I have also learned that I do not always have to speak or offer advice when someone opens up to me about a personal issue since listening could be good enough for that person. I have learned the aspect of emotional intelligence, and this has led me to develop self-awareness and strive to work on my empathic skills. I believe that interaction with other people requires a great deal of emotional intelligence, and empathic, active, and reflective listening forms a major part of this, enabling people to learn to understand other people and not always striving to be understood.


AAHE-ERIC/Higher Education Research Report. (2009). What is Interdisciplinarity? Wiley Periodicals, 7(9): 8-17.

Covey, S. (2013). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Miami, FL: Mango Media.


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Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions

In 200-300 words, explain what interdisciplinarity is and reflect on how it impacts your
worldview. And, in another 200-300 words, reflect on and explain the personal impact of the
single most helpful lesson you learned from Covey this subterm.


Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions

Interdisciplinarity and Worldview Reflection Instructions

  1. You may use first person, but not second person.
  2. Use unique headings to clearly separate your answers (per APA guidelines).
  3. Your grammar, spelling, and punctuation should be flawless. Visit the Liberty University
    writing centers if you want extra help:
  4. Use APA formatting, but no abstract page is required.

Additional Suggestions:

  1. You can do it differently, but the simplest route may be to explain interdisciplinarity in
    one paragraph and then to reflect on it in the next paragraph or two.
  2. You can explain interdisciplinarity in your own words, but if you find it hard to describe
    it in a way not already done, it would be better to cite references and create a references
    page than to accidentally plagiarize.
  3. Remember to focus on just one topic from Covey and to give it personal application.
  4.  You can begin brainstorming for your reflection using the following questions (though
    you shouldn’t use these exact wordings in your reflection itself—be original):

A. How has interdisciplinarity affected my life?
B. How has interdisciplinarity affected the way I see the world?
C. How will I use an interdisciplinary mindset to tackle problems in the future?