Latest News - Discussion Response

Week 2 Discussion Response

 Week 2 Discussion Response Great work with your post! I agree that in the acute stages of HIV infection, minor symptoms that resemble the flu may present. According to the presentation, the patient...

Week 1-Discussion 2 Response

Week 1-Discussion 2 Response Thank you for sharing your post. Ideas about the structure of the cell have changed over the years. Early biologists believed that cells were simple membranous sacs...

Discussion Response-Differential Diagnosis

Discussion Response-Differential Diagnosis Great post! Auscultation refers to listening to the internal body sounds, often by using a stethoscope. The procedure is performed to examine the breath...

Discussion Response

Discussion Response Responding to Betsy Hello Betsy, Great work with your post! I have always associated Kurt Lewin with the change theory. It is satisfying to see another one of his theories being...