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Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

The primary goal of any medication is to address an individual’s inevitable need for emotional and physical healing. Complementary and alternative medications are forms of medicine that are intended to improve the well-being of an individual. Complementary medication is a form of treatment that does not include prescribed medications but is utilized together with the prescribed drugs (Jones et al., 2019). Some examples of complementary medication include relaxation techniques such as massages, meditation, guided imagery, music, dietary supplements, and aromatherapy. Complementary medication is mostly utilized to improve wound health, relieve pain, reduce strength and anxiety, and enhance a person’s mood. Alternative medication, on the other end, is a form of medication that is utilized in place of medicine. Alternative medications could include a specific diet that an individual consumes instead of taking any prescribed medications (Jones et al., 2019). Therefore, complementary and alternative medicine refers to practices outside the standard medical care practiced by physicians. Some complementary and alternative (CAM) approaches have been tested and found safe for patients. However, some have proved ineffective and probably harmful to the quality of life. Various issues, including regulatory concerns, time, and funding, have deterred research on complementary and alternative medications.

Using complementary and alternative medicine as a treatment for individuals with cancer has effectively dealt with some of the medications given to these patients, providing comfort through pain relief and reducing anxiety (Jones et al., 2019). Some of the complementary medications that are safe and effective for patients include imagery and medication where a lot of body movements are not involved. Individuals with cancer experience various signs and symptoms, such as stress and fatigue, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, pain, and vomiting, that can be reduced through alternative therapies (Jones et al., 2019). Medication, acupuncture, hypnosis, aromatherapy, and music therapy can lessen stress, sleeping problems, vomiting, fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

Diabetes is a significant cause of death in individuals globally. Various alternative and complementary practices can be utilized in the treatment of diabetes. Some approaches that have been deemed safe and effective include biofeedback, homeopathy, aromatherapy, dietary supplements, and massage and relaxation therapy (Jones et al., 2019). However, the effectiveness of many alternative medications has not been proven to cure diabetes through research. Diabetic individuals are advised to be keen on the supplements they use as they can affect how medicine works.

Intake of fruits, vegetables, grains, and low-fat dairy products is advised for individuals with hypertension. Such a diet is imperative in reducing high blood pressure in patients. Besides, meditation and relaxation techniques can lower blood pressure in hypertensive persons (Jones et al., 2019). I support holistic medication for treating different diseases since it enhances health and wellness by treating the body, soul, and mind (Potter, 2020). Holistic care combines traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine. Holistic care is imperative in enhancing the overall health of the patients.

Holistic care lessens the over-reliance on powerful medication. Individuals can avoid taking over-the-counter drugs and instead opt for alternative approaches such as yoga and acupuncture, which have also been proven helpful. However, more research is needed on the safety of some allopathic medicine to improve their quality of life.


Jones, E., Nissen, L., McCarthy, A., Steadman, K., & Windsor, C. (2019). Exploring the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Patients. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 18, 153473541984698.

Potter, M. (2020). Examining Holistic Care: From Early Medicine to Modern Practice. Thinking Matters Symposium. symposium/2020/poster-sessions/45/


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Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific

illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension.

Share your opinions about holistic and allopathic care.

Word limit 500 words.

Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.