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Week 7 A-B-peer response

Week 7 A-B-peer response

Response to Bethan


Great post! I am not surprised that both the nurses and lay individuals provided almost similar responses. Under normal circumstances, nurses are viewed as help for the doctors and patients as well. They carry out duties that are critical to primary care, such as administering medication, admitting patients, and assisting with grooming, among others. The roles of nurses are varied and critical to healthcare services’ efficiency. The purpose of nursing is to complete the cycle of healthcare. The impact that these activities yield is formidable and contributes to the improvement of patients’ health. When asking a patient the purpose of nursing, they are likely to give a different perspective from the nurse. Regardless of varying perspectives, the purpose of nursing has a positive impact on the patient’s health, the nurse, and the other healthcare providers, especially when positive outcomes are realized (American Nurses Association, 2012).


American Nurses Association. (2012). What is Nursing

Response to Tiffany


Great work with your post! I am impressed by the distinctions you have provided for registered and advanced practice nurses. As the name suggests, APNs occupy a higher ranking than registered nurses. As you have stated, both nursing positions are intended to ensure that patients receive quality and safe care. However, there are different limitations for each position. Allowing both to act with minimal physician supervision is important in ensuring that patients can easily access care even where a shortage of physicians occurs. The two positions stretch the healthcare fabric, allowing the sector to cater to more patients safely (Nsiah, Siakwa, & Ninnoni, 2019). King’s Conceptual system highlights critical aspects that both nursing positions need to address for efficiency.


Nsiah, C., Siakwa, M., & Ninnoni, J. P. (2019). Registered Nurses’ description of patient advocacy in the clinical setting. Nursing Open, 6(3), 1124-1132.


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Week 7 A-B-peer response


Week 7 A – Initial Discussion Prompt:
Ask five nurses the following question. Ask the question without explanation or expansion. Tell them you are doing
a class project and need the following question answered. There are no right or wrong answers. “What is the
purpose of nursing?” Ask five lay persons the exact same question in the exact same manner. Summarize your
findings and report to the class. When you complete this project, you will have just completed your first qualitative
research project. Albeit an abbreviated one, but nonetheless, a qualitative study.

Week 7 A-B-peer response

Week 7 A-B-peer response