Written Case Analysis
The moral considerations of the proposed restrictions on child labor are based on the following facts; The International Labor Organization (2020) reports that agriculture is the industry with the highest rate of child labor, especially in developing nations. Industries like mining, manufacturing, and construction are also flooded with child laborers. In most of these industries, children may be exposed to hazardous materials and may be subjected to excessive labor, yet their bodies are not yet built up to handle the work required in such fields. The International Labor Organization (2020) reveals that such children are expected to work as much as adults, and most of them are prone to injuries.
Child labor commonly involves unreasonable hours of work that might interfere with children’s education and extracurricular activities, hence the need to restrict the number of hours spent at work. Children tend to be at higher risk for health effects from pesticide exposure than adults. This is because their internal organs are still maturing and developing. These children are commonly exposed to pesticides, which might have a negative impact on their neurological and physical development, hence the need for restricting exposure to pesticides before 21 which is a reasonable age associated with increased growth and maturity.
International Labor Organization. (2020). The burden of gold Child labor in small-scale mines and quarries. Retrieved from https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/world-of-work-magazine/articles/WCMS_081364/lang–en/index.htm
International Labor Organization. (2020). The impact of pesticide exposure on child laborers in agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/mission-and-objectives/features/WCMS_158425/lang–en/index.htm
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Written Case Analysis
For this module, you are required to complete a Written Case Analysis of approximately 200 words. Please read Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 5, p. 168 (see below). Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved, and infer their interests; discuss the case in terms of finding common ground in the diversity of interests you identify.
Submit your assignment to the Written Case Analysis 1 Dropbox no later than Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT. (This Dropbox is linked to Turnitin.) When you save your document, please make sure it includes the following format: “Firstname Lastname–WCA1″
Case 5, p. 168: 5.