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Training, New Information System & Evaluation

Training, New Information System & Evaluation

What training is provided when a new information system is implemented in your organization?

Every healthcare facility needs to have advancements in technology as this will promote efficiency as people involved will have less mental involvement at work because most of the work will be sorted with technology. Implementation of a new information system comes with the training of the present team so that they can be oriented on the new features that come with the new information system. In case the hospital had an information system that they had been using, then the healthcare workers would be interested in knowing the difference between the two systems as well as new features that come with the new system, especially those that would fill the gaps that existed with the previous system.

Hospitals’ healthcare professionals need to be trained on different aspects of the new information system before it is implemented and put into practice. First, healthcare professionals should be trained on the requirements of the new system, especially those related to usernames and passwords. Lintern and Motavalli (2018) state that healthcare professionals should be trained on secured logins, especially during the implementation of a new information system in the facility, to prevent any unauthorized login that might occur. Additionally, healthcare professionals should be trained on how they can create usernames and passwords, as well as how they can recover passwords, especially when they forget them. It is also important to highlight that nurses should be trained on the importance of new information technology as well as the advantages that come with the new system over the previous system that was being used.

Training or sharing with nurses some importance of the new information system is a way of coercing them to embrace the new technology and be ready to utilize it (Negash et al., 2018). It is also important to show nurses how the implementation of the new system will improve patient outcomes.

The training on the new system should include how healthcare professionals would be able to troubleshoot the system if it fails or runs into a problem. Nurses are known to embrace various types of information systems mostly, especially while updating patient information as well as ensuring continuity of care. This is an indication that training should also focus on how nurses will be able to conduct proper updates of patient data as well as continuity of care and ensure that the healthcare facility doesn’t run into losses if patients are not charged.

Are nurses involved in evaluating the systems?

Nurses act as leaders in data and information management from the time of acquisition to verification. With the help of an information system, nurses are given the opportunity to increase the efficiency of their duties (Negash et al., 2018). Additionally, information systems give nurses easy access to important information in relation to patients and the organization. Nurses and doctors are identified to be the main bodies that utilize these systems. This puts them in a better position to conduct an assessment of these systems. Since nurses are mostly tasked with dealing or working with the information system, they are better placed to give feedback in relation to the information system as well as how they feel the system has met the goals of the project.


Lintern, G., & Motavalli, A. (2018). Healthcare information systems: the cognitive challenge. BMC medical informatics and decision making, 18(1), 1-10.

Negash, S., Musa, P., Vogel, D., & Sahay, S. (2018). Healthcare information technology for development: improvements in people’s lives through innovations in the uses of technologies. Information Technology for Development, 24(2), 189-197.


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What training is provided when a new information system is implemented in your organization?

Are nurses involved in evaluating the systems?

Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Assessment

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style, with support from at least two academic sources.

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