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The Culture of Nursing

The Culture of Nursing

Nursing is one of the most important occupations. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure that people receive the quality of care that they deserve in order to recover from whatever ails them. They also deal with patients from all walks of life and from all over the world. The task of nurses and other healthcare professionals is to ensure that they provide the same high level of care to everyone they serve. Nursing culture refers to accepting patients’ various values, opinions, and beliefs and striving to meet these values and opinions when providing quality healthcare. Healthcare delivery should always revolve around the patient, taking into account their thoughts and beliefs and tailoring it to be more beneficial to them on all levels.

Nursing, according to Drevdahl (2018), emphasizes the significance of culture in the delivery of care. To address the various health disparities that exist, cultural competence is required in the nursing profession. In a variety of ways, nurses can project this culture onto their patients. For example, when dealing with a patient who speaks a different language, it would be beneficial to hire a translator to ensure the patient understands the various processes and that the nurse is not violating the patient’s rights because language is a barrier in healthcare delivery (Huot et al., 2019).

Another method is to ask a patient from a different culture whether they prefer a male or female nurse or if they require the presence of another person in the room during the examination. Some cultures, for example, may be uncomfortable with a person of the opposite sex dealing with a patient. Another way nurses can demonstrate this is by engaging with patients and learning more about them and their cultures. Cross-cultural interactions with patients have a variety of advantages, including making the patient feel at ease that the nurses and facility are considering their views and beliefs. When compared to other healthcare professionals, nurses spend the most time with patients. Cross-cultural communication provides a means for them to develop effective relationships with patients, which will aid in the delivery of care.

In some cases, the nursing culture may unknowingly infringe on the values and beliefs of people from other cultures. What some may consider normal practice may be offensive in another culture and have an impact on care delivery. One case in point was with a patient of Saudi Arabian descent. He was a senior citizen. He was so set in his ways that he refused to have female nurses care for him. Only male nurses and aides were able to perform various care routines and routine practices, such as taking and assisting him to the bathroom and taking vital signs.


Drevdahl, D. J. (2018). Culture shifts: from cultural to structural theorizing in nursing. Nursing Research, 67(2), 146-160.

Huot, S., Ho, H., Ko, A., Lam, S., Tactay, P., MacLachlan, J., & Raanaas, R. K. (2019). Identifying barriers to healthcare delivery and access in the Circumpolar North: important insights for health professionals. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 78(1), 1571385.


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Answer the following prompts:

There is a “provider culture” that includes the common values, beliefs, and expectations of providers in the health care system. How would you describe the culture of nursing?

In what ways might nurses project this culture onto their patients and clients?

The Culture of Nursing

The Culture of Nursing

How might the culture of nursing conflict with the values and beliefs of patients? Please provide an example from your own practice.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format.