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Substance Use Prevention in the United States

Substance Use Prevention in the United States

In 2019, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) showed results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (SAMHSA, 2020). They discovered that about 60 percent of individuals twelve and older used substances within the week of being surveyed… that is about 165.4 million people who used substances in the United States. (SAMHSA, 2020) Substance use usually starts during childhood or adolescent years, which may influence negative situations or issues in the future years. Capuzzi & Stauffer (2016) state that when an individual starts using at a young age, they are more vulnerable to experiencing physical problems, and the effects will be detrimental to their cognitive, interpersonal, and educational development. (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2016) It’s necessary to provide useful sources that may help an individual who is at risk of developing substance use disorders. One source that is effective is the usage and involvement of drug prevention programs that are designed to reduce the risk of maladaptive behaviors and teach communication and interpersonal skills. The programs discussed in this paper are Reconnecting Youth Prevention Program and Strengthening Families Program.

Description of Both Programs

Reconnecting Youth Prevention Program

Reconnecting Youth Prevention Program is considered an evidence-based program tailored for teens who may be at risk for dropping out of school and experiencing co-occurring issues. The Reconnecting Youth Program is a semester-long class that is taught in a classroom setting by a trained Facilitator involving about 10-12 students. The program teaches the teens skills for enhancing self-esteem, understanding personal control and decision-making, as well as learning more about interpersonal communication. The Reconnecting Youth Program provides helpful bonding activities designed to improve the teen’s relationships with friends and family. Reconnecting Youth values parental participation in their teen’s process and achieving goals. Reconnecting Youth has created a special program for the student’s families called Family Engagement Program. It is a family-oriented program designed to educate the parent or caregiver about they can best support their child. This program teaches about mood management, the usage of drugs, tools for improving school performance and learning about the importance of listening, exhibiting feelings, and offering encouragement. This family engagement program can be accessed virtually on their website. (Reconnecting Youth and Cast LLC., 2021)

Strengthening Families Program

The Strengthening Families Program is considered a science-based, universal, and selective prevention program designed to teach skills, improve family relationships, and reduce risk factors that may be related to behaviors, emotions, and social or school issues. The program is designed for children ages 6-11 who are considered high-risk because of their parent’s substance addiction. Strengthening Families Program not only involves just the parent or child, but it includes the whole family. It is a useful program that integrates CBT strategies and Family Systems Theory, which aims to equip parents with skills and tools to overcome addiction and work towards a healthy lifestyle. The curriculum consists of three types of training: parent training, children’s skills training, and family life skills training. Parents will learn strategies and skills like effective communication and informative education on substances and addictions or problem-solving. Children will learn helpful social skills designed to improve communication or listening and will be educated on the consequences of substance use as well as consequences. Strengthening Families Program can be used in various locations and communities, such as schools, family or youth services, community centers, churches, or drug treatment centers. (Strengthening Families Foundation, 2020)

Program Goals

The goals of Reconnecting Youth Program are to assist the Youth by teaching and utilizing coping skills and competencies, discover alternative activities that are healthy for the individual, and increase social support resources. Using the language of encouragement, role modeling, and providing the child with financial support to engage in extra-curricular activities are examples of social support that have been positively related to youth participation in physical activity. (Hohepa et al., 2007) The Reconnecting Youth Program focuses on three goals, which are: increased school achievement, increased mood management, and decreased drug involvement.
The Strengthening Families Program includes several goals, which would be to lower the usage and intention of using substances such as tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, or illicit drugs like cocaine or meth. The second goal is that the program will help decrease a child’s behavioral problems or issues and increase their social and life skills. The last goal of the program is that will increase the family bond and improve communication and organization. Overall, the Strengthening Families Program aims to lower risk factors and increase resilience, resources, and protective factors. Griffin & Botvin (2010) state that programs that focus on both parenting skills and family bonding seem to be the most effective in diminishing or preventing substance use.

Description of Program Funding

Reconnecting Youth Prevention Program was co-developed by Dr. Leona Eggert and Leila Nicholas. Dr. Eggert obtained substantial funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the U.S. Department of Education to test the program’s efficiency. (Reconnecting Youth and Cast LLC., 2021)

The Strengthening Families Program was originally developed by Dr. Karol I. Kumpfer in 1982 on a grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Kumpfer’s purpose of the grant was to discover certain skills that parents need to develop and obtain to keep their children from using substances. Currently, the program is still being funded by the NIDA. (Strengthening Families Foundation, 2020)

A Discussion about Program Effectiveness

Reconnecting Youth Program embodies a skills training curriculum within a positive peer group setting. Having an effective facilitator that displays kindness and is caring, who is actively engaged and supportive of the Youth, leads to a flourishing program. In a way, the facilitator may be compared to a counselor in the counseling process. For example, for a more successful treatment, the counselor builds a strong therapeutic relationship with the client. Youth are involved in a positive peer culture. They all have made the decision to be a part of the program and work together to reach their goals. Most importantly, Reconnecting Youth Program includes skills training. The teens are able to learn and practice life skills with one another and in-home settings with their families. The Family Engagement Program, which collaborates with Reconnecting Youth, is considered a research-based program. They will learn skills that are known to be helpful for controlling different behaviors, educating on substance abuse, improving the child’s school performance, and overall learning how to communicate efficiently with their child. (Reconnecting Youth and Cast LLC., 2021)

The Strengthening Families Program was particularly designed to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors that may be related to adolescent substance use and depression. It’s effective because it provides beneficial skills designed for the parent, the child, and the family. Parents learn skills that are useful for developing a bond by creating an empathetic relationship with their child. Parents will also learn profitable communication and listening skills. They will learn how to set firm boundaries to prevent their child from creating anti-social behaviors and will be educated about substances. Within the children’s skills training, children will also learn how to improve their communication skills when interacting with parents or other peers. They will learn skills of problem-solving and utilizing coping strategies. As a whole, the family will learn how to use the skills they just learned and put them into practice. Skills such as practicing constructive communication skills at home or practicing how to solve problems within the family. (Strengthening Families Foundation, 2020) Various studies were organized in rural communities of the United States, which showed that Strengthening Families helped reduce substance use up to nine years after their intervention compared to those who were not involved in the program. (SAMHSA, 2016)

Risk Factors

There are certain factors, such as behaviors, genetics, substance availability, relationships, and an individual’s environment, that may influence drug abuse. Risk factors can affect an individual at different stages of their life. A child may be at risk of using a substance if they are around a parent or family member who has a substance use disorder. Williams & Latkin (2007) explain how research has proven that drug use is introduced and supported in families and other networks that have a history of drug involvement. (Williams & Latkin, 2007) For individuals that grow up in low-income or violent communities may be suspectable to the usage of substances. In some cases, low-income neighborhoods may have gangs or dealers, which may be easier access to have more availability to certain substances. In some families, the parent or parents may work late or work double jobs. With a lack of parental supervision or the feeling of being neglected, the usage of substances may be easier access for a child. (NIDA, 2020, May 25)

Analysis of Government Involvement

Both Reconnecting Youth Prevention Program and Strengthening Family Program are funded by grants given by the government. I believe that government involvement helps support researchers in putting their programs into practice. Without the financial support of the government, these programs may not have existed. The government may be able to provide additional funding for research on newer issues or situations that may arise from preexisting issues. Government involvement may provide programs the ability to try new techniques and provide financial support for conducting surveys for research purposes.


In conclusion, Reconnecting Youth Prevention Program and Strengthening Family Program are both used to help teach and educate Youth and families about the usage and consequences of substances. Prevention programs are useful tools for those who may be at risk of developing substance use disorder. Both programs teach beneficial skills designed to create healthier communication patterns and behaviors that will be useful for years after being involved in the program.


Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. D. (2016). Foundations of Addictions Counseling. Pearson.

Griffin, K. W., & Botvin, G. J. (2010). Evidence-based interventions for preventing substance use disorders in adolescents. Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America, 19(3), 505–526.

Hohepa, M., Scragg, R., Schofield, G. et al. Social support for youth physical activity: Importance of siblings, parents, friends and school support across a segmented school day. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 4, 54 (2007).

NIDA. 2020, May 25. Selective Programs. Retrieved from adolescents/chapter-4-examples-research-based-drug-abuse-prevention- programs/selective-programs on 2021, June 23

NIDA. 2020, May 25. What are risk factors and protective factors? Retrieved from adolescents/chapter-1-risk-factors-protective-factors/what-are-risk-factors on 2021, June 23

Reconnecting Youth and Cast LLC. (2021). Reconnecting Youth Inc. Reconnecting Youth.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (U.S.); Office of the Surgeon General (US). Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health [Internet]. Washington (D.C.): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2016 Nov. CHAPTER 3, PREVENTION PROGRAMS AND POLICIES. Available from:

SAMHSA. (2019, July). Risk and Protective Factors – SAMHSA. SAMHSA.

Strengthening Families Foundation. (2020). Program Overview. Strengthening Families Foundation.

Williams, C. T., & Latkin, C. A. (2007). Neighborhood socioeconomic status, personal network attributes, and use of heroin and cocaine. American Journal of preventive medicine, 32(6 Suppl), S203–S210.


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Substance Use Prevention in the United States

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