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Proactive Planning

Proactive Planning

Healthcare personnel must always be proactive to avoid problems. Being ahead of the curve entails being aware of trends and being prepared by acquiring the necessary information to address problems. Having the necessary skills and knowledge early on allows professionals to address concerns such as pandemics, quality issues, and policy needs early on, resulting in high-quality outcomes.

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Preventive treatment keeps people and businesses safe from losing money. As a result, experts should use data from many sources addressing various healthcare conditions to plan ahead of time (Aghdam et al., 2021). For example, when dealing with concerns such as infections in the care environment, data from multiple settings can assist in identifying how vulnerable the location is too bad events, allowing appropriate steps to be taken. Nurses and other healthcare personnel typically collect much data from patients and healthcare environments (Aghdam et al., 2021). Knowing the changes may assist professionals in determining which changes to prepare for and how to best operate in the future. Quality metrics should be used to decide which preventive actions should be implemented and to ensure that professionals are well-prepared for any issues.

Professionals should also be aware of industry trends and the variables that may influence them. For example, professionals can plan for their future by using data on staffing and information from reports such as The Future of Nursing (2010), which predicted that nurses would have to be involved in improving healthcare by improving their education and covering functions based on their education (Tierney et al., 2020). Nurse shortages, for example, are expected to be a severe issue. As a result of this information, nurses can progress their training to become specialists in areas that may confront obstacles, improving their competitiveness and addressing the healthcare issue. Nurses are urged to constantly learn, increase their understanding, and prepare for possible problems. Various sources provide information about current and future trends. For example, research may aid in determining the changes that are occurring and how they may affect the industry. Understanding trends can be accomplished by exposure to information sources such as professional journals and the media and by networking with peers.

Finally, experts must stay current on concerns to produce successful solutions. Professionals must network and expose themselves to numerous information sources that may alert them of potential changes to appropriately prepare and plan. Professionals can prepare and plan by networking with peers and reading relevant publications and other sources.

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Aghdam, Z. N., Rahmani, A. M., & Hosseinzadeh, M. (2021). The role of the Internet of Things in healthcare: Future trends and challenges. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 199, 105903.

Tierney, M., Finnell, D. S., Naegle, M., Mitchell, A. M., & Pace, E. M. (2020). The Future of Nursing: Accelerating gains made to Address the Continuum of substance use. Archives of psychiatric nursing, 34(5), 297-303.


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Discussion Topic: How should healthcare professionals proactively plan to update their knowledge and skills to respond to the significant public health issues and challenges facing them and their clients?

Proactive Planning

Proactive Planning

Select one Student Learning Outcome from the following list and explains how the selected Student Learning Outcome is explored or related to the Discussion Topic.

1. Relate the role of the nurse leader as a driver of policy reform

  1. Promote policies incorporating ethical principles and standards for health and information technology use.
  2. Advocate for patients, families, caregivers, communities, and members of the healthcare team


– The discussion must address the topic

– Rationale must be provided

– Use at least 500 words (no included 1st page or references in the 500 words)

– May use examples from your nursing practice

– Formatted and cited in current APA 7

– Use three academic sources not older than five years. Not Websites are allowed.

– Plagiarism is NOT permitted