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Prejudice and discrimination

Prejudice and discrimination

Prejudice and discrimination fuel human conflicts, causing tension in communities. As a result, many people are adversely affected at some point. According to Scott (2017), prejudice is a bias based on insufficient knowledge, typically based on stereotypes. Negative prejudice usually results in discrimination against individuals or groups in society. Holding negative attitudes, beliefs, or stereotypes about a specific group of people in society will result in prejudice and discrimination (Perlmutter, 2018). Prejudiced people are frequently treated inappropriately, such as being denied friendship.

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Families with ailing people suffering from mental illnesses face persistent prejudice and discrimination in today’s society. A family with a history of mental illness in its members will always face discrimination, and finding life partners will be difficult. Modern society believes that mental illnesses cannot be treated like other illnesses. This is due to a lack of understanding and awareness. Mental disorders typically necessitate social acceptance, which is critical in their treatment. Effective communication allows psychiatric patients’ prejudice and discrimination to be controlled and eliminated.

The media can be used to intervene and raise public awareness on issues concerning mental disorders. It can be used to educate people about mental disease processes and how to manage them. People’s opinions and perceptions can be influenced by plays and movies that depict real-life situations. Also, because so many people spend so much time on social media, it can be used to intervene against prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illnesses. Accurate information about mental health issues will raise public awareness of psychiatric patients. School-level programs are another communication strategy that can help improve this situation. Teachers, parents, and peers expose children to prejudice and discrimination. If situations that can influence and change the learners’ attitudes are included in the curriculum, the learners’ attitudes can be changed. Furthermore, healthcare workers can conduct community awareness programs to sensitize and address the relevant issues, raising public awareness about mental illness. By treating psychiatric patients and their families, healthcare workers can serve as role models in their communities, improving social acceptance.

Reply 1

As the author states, racism in modern society remains a significant challenge, particularly in light of recent events. The United States is more divided than ever before. This is due to the administration’s deafness to people’s communications. I agree with the author that there has been ineffective police reform in reducing citizen fatality rates; radical groups have formed, further dividing the country. Other nonviolent groups, such as Black Lives Matter, have formed to communicate the injustices that African Americans face daily. As the author points out, because of a lack of communication effectiveness, BLM has created more unity and division. Many people oppose BLM, claiming that all lives matter, which is correct and should be communicated to the public. This has occurred as a result of ineffective communication. BLM is not claiming that all lives are unimportant; instead, they are attempting to raise awareness about how the African American community is different and unfair. I agree with the author that while all lives, matter may appear to be a positive message, it is a protest against BLM.

People in modern society are stubborn and adamant about this. Understandably, skilled disagreement appears to be the best way for people to repaUnderstandably, es. Skilled disagreement occurs when all parties negotiate to find a middle ground. I agree with the author that finding middle large groups like BLM and ALM would be complex, given that everyone has an opinion. As the author points out when using the skilled disagreement method of communication, criticizing an idea is not the same as criticizing those who propose the idea. Society will never come together unless we learn to accept and listen to one another’s ideas with an open mind.

Reply 2

Prejudice, according to Koppelman (2020), is a strong, negative feeling about a group of peoAccordinge author that some peoprejudice ple believes prejudice is formed because facts are not examined; however, some people with prejudices may examine relevant facts and interpret them in ways that confirm their prejudices. It is important to remember that discrimination is frequently the result of prejudice. In today’s society, the wage disparity between men and women is an example of prejudice and discrimination. According to the author, gender wage discrimination has been a prevalent issue in our society, and while the gap is closing, there is no doubt that it still exists and is a modern-day challenge. Looking deeper into gender wage discrimination, I agree that we can see continued discrimination among different races as well.

I agree with the author that communication is complex, and a lot of the time, nothing to do with what you say and everything to complete your it often language. “Learning to communicate is not a natural human ability, but rather a product of the cultural and social context one experiences as a child,” according to our book (Koppelman, 2020). The upbringing of a person has a real impact on their ability to communicate. Understanding A person’s upbringing model can lead to more effective communication.

As stated by the author, understanding the components of effective communication can help to reduce misunderstandings and improve interpersonal communication. Choosing to have poor body language or only observe a person’s negative aspects can harm comHavingree that people should observe in general. We are always so concerned with expressing our opinions and having our voices heard that we fail to listen to others truly. We have a response or opposing viewpoint ready before the other person has finished speaking when we should have listened more carefully to what the other person was saying.

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Koppelman, K. L. (2020). Understanding human differences: multicultural education for a diverse America (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education.

Perlmutter, P. (2018). The Changing Complexity of Prejudice and Discrimination. Society, 45(4), 348-353.

Scott, M. (2017). Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination. Journal Of Language And Discrimination, 1(1), 111-114.


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Prejudice is a complex mix of mental perceptions, associated emotions, and attitudes toward members of another group that often results in the social distance and manifests in overt acts of discrimination. An essential first step in addressing the roots of prejudice and discrimination is to trace the historical sources and the psychological reinforcements.

Prejudice and discrimination

In this Assignment, you will explore historical examples of sexual and gender prejudice and discrimination, drawing on how prejudice is perpetuated across generations and analyzing the implications of persistent prejudice and gender inequality in society.

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