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Personal Leadership Philosophy

Personal Leadership Philosophy

This paper will reflect the characteristics of a good leader and will document the writer’s personal leadership philosophy. All leaders require a philosophy and vision to influence the direction of the groups they lead. There are numerous factors that influence leadership behaviors. Everyone’s leadership style is unique; however, some characteristics are shared by effective leaders. “Being a leader is not the same as being a manager or a boss” (Muteswa, 2016). Leaders must have character and core values in order to lead effectively. Leaders inspire others, develop them, and serve as coaches (Muteswa, 2016).

Values Fundamentals

Responsibility and determination are two core values that define this writer. The first is a responsibility that comes second to a natural ability to make decisions. This writer always accepts the consequences of decisions and accepts responsibility for decisions made. The second personality trait is determination, which stems from this writer’s drive to achieve a goal. This writer has set a goal for himself and will not stop until he achieves it. This writer is determined to be the best in his or her field, profession, and life. “Influence is more powerful than authority” (Sullivan, 2004, p.3).

Statement of Mission and Vision

The personal mission vision statement of this writer is to make people feel respected and valuable while maintaining quality. Leaders who demonstrate servant leadership qualities value people as a behavior (Focht& Ponton,2015). The ability to instill a sense of importance in team members provides satisfaction in this writer’s work and position.

Clifton Strengths Assessment Analysis

This writer reviewed the Gallop Strength Finder results and was enlightened to qualities that were perceived but ensured and needed to be strengthened. In daily life, self-reflection is essential (Laureate Education, 2014). Leadership understands how you affect others and what you can do to improve outcomes and inspire others to strive for greatness; thus, creating a sense of community inspires unity and harmony (Khoshhal & Guraya, 2016).

According to Gallup’s Strengths Finder (2018), the following are this writer’s five strongest themes:

Self-assurance- a person who is willing to take risks and face new challenges.

Achiever- a person who is constantly in need of A person who persists in the face of adversity, a drive that sets the pace and defines the levels of productivity for your work group, a theme to keep moving.

Relator- I gravitate toward people I already know. It describes a relationship attitude that encourages intimacy; the more you share with each other, the stronger the bond.

Arrangers are excellent organizers who are also adaptable. They can also strive for maximum productivity.

Individualization- They are interested in the unique characteristics of each individual. This person understands that the ideal team is built on individual strengths to ensure that everyone does their best at what they do best.

Key behaviors to improve

Individualization and Relator are two skills that should be developed. “Becoming a leader with influence necessitates high levels of credibility, strong interpersonal skills, and a genuine interest in others” (Elaine Sorensen Marshall, and Broome, 2017, p. 172). This writer has always been drawn to improving people’s qualities and inspiring them to reach higher goals. Throughout my career, this writer has helped many nursing assistants advance to higher nursing positions/degrees, as well as inspired an LPN to pursue their RN in teaching because she was so analytical with policy and procedure she would make an excellent teacher.

A Behavior Development Plan and a Mission Statement

Leaders must assist their team members in achieving individual goals and/or recognize their abilities in order to advance the team’s goals. Team members must feel valued, which is reflected in an organization’s high job satisfaction ratings (McNeff& Irving,2017). This writer intends to set a goal toward focusing on a team member’s strengths, thereby increasing their work engagement, secondary to their leader acknowledging their strengths, in order to achieve developing the strength of the Individual and Relator (Brim, 2019). Biena Grace Andulan (2020) agreed with this writer’s choice of enhancing Individuals and suggested that documented strength be strengthened.


Biena Grace Andulan. (2020, March). RE: Discussion WK 5. Retrieved from action=list_messages&course_id=_16659705_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&conf_id= _3466782_1&forum_id=_7857837_1&message_id=_106965628_1

Brim, J. B. (2019). How a focus on people’s strengths increases their work engagement. Retrieved from increases-work-engagement.aspx

Elaine Sorensen Marshall, and Broome. (2017). Transformational leadership in Nursing 2nd edition (p. 172). New York: Springer.

Focht, A., & Ponton, M. (2015). Identifying primary characteristics of servant leadership: Delphi study. International Journal of Leadership Studies, 9(1): 44-61. Retrieved from

Good P. (n.d.) List of strengths and weaknesses in a job interview. Retrieved from: https:

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Leadership [Video file.]. Baltimore, MD: Author

Khoshhal, K. I., & Guraya, S. Y. (2016). Leaders produce leaders, and managers produce followers. Saudi Med J, 37(10), 1061-1067.Retrieved from: doi:10.15537/smj.2016.10.15620.

Muteswa, R. P. (2016). Qualities of a good leader and the benefits of good leadership to an organization: A conceptual study. Retrieved from

Strengths Finder: Gallup. (2018). Retrieved from


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to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it impacts your work setting. Be sure to address the following: the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization.

Personal Leadership Philosophy

Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization). a summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations. the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors are presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.

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