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Patient Education For Children And Adolescents

Patient Education For Children And Adolescents

Postpartum depression is a mental health disorder that affects the majority of new mothers. Postpartum depression is a common and treatable mood disorder. When someone’s moods begin to change, making them hostile or behaving in a way that raises the possibility of postpartum depression, they should be advised to seek treatment from health care providers. Depression alters a person’s mood and causes them to feel angry and sad. It also causes people to lose interest in participating in any activity (Shoemaker et al., 2014). When a person’s mood changes from good to bad, it can be noticed; if the bad mood persists for an extended period of time, it can be concluded that the person is suffering from depression of some kind; as a result, one should be canceled to help them overcome the feeling and resume their normal lives. Postpartum depression is a simple disorder that can be easily treated, but it is dangerous because those who develop postpartum depression are more likely to develop major depression later in life.

Symptoms and Signs

Each disease has a symptom or sign, and the signs of postpartum depression are mood swings, which simply mean that the person’s way of associating with other people and interest in doing or participating in an activity has changed (Hilt & Nussbaum, 2016). This activity could be something the person enjoys doing, such as cleaning the house, but they abruptly stop, and one can notice that the house is not clean, but they do not care. Anxiety, the body’s natural response to things that stress an individual, can also be observed in a person suffering from postpartum depression. Crying spells are characterized by the individual crying over trivial matters that do not bother her. Changes in the mother’s sleeping habits. Postpartum depression symptoms include loss of appetite, insomnia, difficulty bonding with the baby, and extreme irritability (a feeling of agitation).

Pharmacological Therapies

The use of drugs to treat the disorder is referred to as pharmacological treatment. Because the disorder can take several weeks before the person returns to their normal state, drugs are used to ensure that people experiencing postpartum depression return to their normal state as soon as possible (Psych Hub Education, 2020). Some of the drugs that have been approved for use in the treatment of the disorder include Zulresso injection for intravenous (IV), which does not cure the disorder but helps to reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression (Center for Rural Health, 2020). It can only be used by adults because the drug is extremely potent and can cause adverse effects in children. Antidepressants are another type of drug that can be used.

Nonpharmacological Therapies

Nonpharmacological treatments are types of treatment used by specialists to treat postpartum depression that does not involve the use of drugs or medication (Thapar et al., 2015). The primary goal of nonpharmacological treatment is to assist the patient in reducing anxiety and stress and regaining their moods. It is also possible that nonpharmacological treatment of postpartum depression assists patients in gaining control of the situation and overcoming the feeling. Treatment may include counseling and participation in physical and mental exercises that help one relax and reduce anxiety, such as massage.

Appropriate Community Resources for a Postpartum Depression Patient.

Postpartum depression patients can seek help and assistance from a variety of appropriate community resources and referrals (Mood Disorders Association of BC, 2014). Nature is one of the community resources where people can go to relax and observe the natural beauty of the environment. There are also some online community support forums where people can seek services and get help when they are feeling down.


Center for Rural Health. (2020, May 18). Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder & childhood bipolar disorder [Video]. YouTube.

Hilt, R. J., & Nussbaum, A. M. (2016). DSM-5 pocket guide for child and adolescent mental health. American Psychiatric Association Publishing.

Mood Disorders Association of BC. (2014, November 20). Children in depression [Video]. YouTube.

Psych Hub Education. (2020, January 7). LGBTQ youth: Learning to listen. [Video]. YouTube.

Thapar, A., Pine, D. S., Leckman, J. F., Scott, S., Snowling, M. J., & Taylor, E. A. (2015). Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry (6th ed.). Wiley Blackwell

Shoemaker, S. J., Wolf, M. S., & Brach, C. (2014). The patient education materials assessment tool (PEMAT) and user’s guide. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.


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Week 5: Mood and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents

Required Readings & Media

Assignment: Patient Education for Children and Adolescents

To Prepare

By Day 1, your Instructor will assign a mood or anxiety disorder diagnosis for you to use for this Assignment.

Patient Education For Children And Adolescents


Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Research signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals.

The Assignment – In a 300- to 500-word blog post written for a patient and/or caregiver audience, explain signs and symptoms for your diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, nonpharmacological treatments, and appropriate community resources and referrals.
Please include 3 references and attach a pdf of the articles.

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