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Pathological Conditions in Older Adults

Pathological Conditions in Older Adults

Pathological conditions basically refer to abnormal anatomical or physiological conditions with the objective or subjective manifestation of illness (Christopher Kieser & Hammer, 2019). The population is aging, and the trend is expected to continue. It is, therefore, necessary to focus on the healthcare needs of the elderly. The issue of sexuality among the older population is not often given the attention that it requires despite sexuality being a critical element in human life. This gap in government policy mirrors the general perception and prejudices of an ‘asexual’ old age,  of sex in older people being disgusting or simply funny. Research suggests, however, that many older people enjoy an active sex life, although they may face several problems (Anthony, 2017). If healthcare professionals do not accept that older people may enjoy sex, then it is unlikely that sexual problems will be effectively explored, diagnosed, and treated.

Research into such a deeply personal area is fraught with difficulties, including embarrassment in one-to-one interviews, self-reporting biases, and poor response rates to postal questionnaires. As A result, very little data exists on the issue of sexuality among the elderly (Anthony, 2017). However, the available research consistently suggests that increasing age is associated with a decreased interest in sex. Research on the issue suggests that there are gender differences, with the greatest difference being in the older age groups (Anthony, 2017). 41.2% of males aged 75 years to 85 are more interested in sex compared with 11.4% of females the same age. Sexual behavior in elderly institutionalized patients with dementia, the men nearly always initiated the sexual interactions rather than the women (Anthony, 2017).

There are multiple causes for this decrease in sexual interest and frequency of sexual activity. These include general physical health, psychological causes, male or female sexual dysfunction, and practical problems (Christopher Kieser & Hammer, 2019). In reality, sexual desire and function are affected by a complex interaction between psychological factors and physiological functioning. Although aging and functional decline may affect sexual function, when sexual dysfunction is diagnosed, physicians should rule out disease or side effects of medications (Von Humboldt, 2017). Common disorders related to sexual dysfunction include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, lower urinary tract symptoms, and depression (Christopher Kieser & Hammer, 2019). Early control of cardiovascular risk factors may improve endothelial function. Treating those disorders or modifying lifestyle-related risk factors such as obesity may help prevent sexual dysfunction in the elderly.

The general body immunity decreases as an individual advances in age. There are various factors that influence the immune system among the elderly. This includes nutritional factors, psychological factors, drugs and complementary and alternative medications. As we search for answers to modern medicine’s most prevalent and challenging problems, the relationship between nutrition, immunity, and the biological function of various natural compounds are preeminent (Jans-Beken, 2016).

The older population requires a balanced diet that meets the nutritional needs of a particular individual. Poor nutrition affects the health of this population negatively due to their vulnerability to illnesses. Psychological factors refer to the peace of mind of the individual. The old population is often subjected to various forms of abuse (Basaran Sahin, 2019). This disrupts their peace of mind leading to stress and depression. As a result of the abuse, their immunity is negatively affected. This population is more often affected by chronic illnesses. These are illnesses that cannot be treated, and thus the patient is placed under continuous medication to manage the symptoms. These drugs improve the body’s immune system. However, it is necessary to keep evaluating these drugs’ effectiveness as some may negatively affect immunity (Jans-Beken, 2016). The aging population is considered one of the vulnerable groups of people, and thus, more care is needed to ensure a better quality of life.


Anthony, G. (2017). Sexual health for older adults. International Handbook of Positive Aging, 149-157. doi:10.4324/9781315678757-12

Basaran Sahin, D. (2019). Family poverty among older adults. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, 1-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_322-1

Christopher Kieser, D., & Hammer, N. (2019). Anatomical and pathological classification of thoracolumbar adjacent segment disease. Spinal Deformities in Adolescents, Adults and Older Adults [Working Title]. doi:10.5772/intechopen.89960

Jans-Beken, L. (2016). Psychological factors and the immune system. doi:10.14293/s2199- 1006.1.sor-socsci.clueahl.v1

Von Humboldt, S. (2017). A study on the factors that contribute to older adults’ sexual unwellness. doi:10.26226/morressier.5885d714d462b8028d89162f


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Describe and discuss the pathological conditions that might affect the sexual responses in older adults.

Pathological Conditions in Older Adults

How and why do you think Nutritional factors, psychological factors, drugs and complementary and alternative medications affect the immune system in older adults.

at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

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