Latest News - Nursing

Contrasts and Similarities

Contrasts and Similarities Evidence-based practice refers to the systematic discovery and application of research as the foundation for clinical practice (LoBiondo & Haber, 2017). There are...

Training, New Information System and Evaluation

Training, New Information System and Evaluation Because of patient demands, healthcare reforms have inspired the adoption of health information technologies such as electronic health records. The...

Workplace Hazards in Nursing

Workplace Hazards in Nursing For a healthcare system to function properly, the nursing profession must be included as key players in achieving goals. Nurses, in theory, play an important role in the...

Quality Improvement Project- Sepsis

Quality Improvement Project- Sepsis One in every ten deaths is caused by severe sepsis. Surprising, given that this lethal condition is well understood and, in many cases, preventable. It comes as...

Weekly Practicum Journal

Weekly Practicum Journal According to the American Diabetes Association (n.d), the epidemic of Type II diabetes is linked to increased rates of obesity and overweight in the US populace. The CDC...