Latest News - Nursing


Anemia Anemia is a condition characterized by a lack of adequate healthy red blood cells in the circulatory system. It is usually reported as low hemoglobin in routine blood tests. Different types...

Happiness and Religion

Happiness and Religion Happiness and religion are two terms that are normally used in the same context. On the one hand, happiness is the state of subjective well-being of people expressed with...

mental illness in female offenders

Mental illness in female offenders There have been many studies regarding female offenders and mental illness. To begin, though, it is important to realize that the number of female offenders has...

Teaching style- Multimodal learning style

Teaching style- Multimodal learning style Summary of Multi-Modal Learning Style VARK provides four sensory modalities that determine a person’s learning style. A person’s learning style enables...

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Health Concern One of the growing health concerns in American society is increased cases of mental illness. As a result, there is increasing focus on mental...