Latest News - Nursing

Professional Nursing and State-Level Regulations

Professional Nursing and State-Level Regulations Boards of nursing are government agencies that can be found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories. These boards’...

Adolescents Mental Health

Adolescents Mental Health Many adolescents suffer from mental illnesses. These mental illnesses are not always diagnosed, making it more difficult for the developing adolescent. When these mental...

External Factors Influencing Decision Making

External Factors Influencing Decision Making Nurse Managers are responsible for making sound decisions in the healthcare setting. In addition, nurse managers supervise the staff in the healthcare...

Week 8 Discussion Post

Week 8 Discussion Post Social Media Discussion: Past, Present, and Future The World Health Organization has defined obesity and overweight as the excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat that...

Schizophrenia and The Forensic Population

Schizophrenia and The Forensic Population Mental disorders are rather complex, and they are frequently not fully understood. While mental disorders are prevalent throughout society, the forensic...