Latest News - Nursing

Establishing Therapeutic Communication

Establishing Therapeutic Communication Nurses serve as patient advocates, maintaining a therapeutic and professional nurse-patient relationship while adhering to appropriate professional role...

Black Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

Black Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism Blacks have faced numerous challenges throughout American history. This repressive structure maintains the depressing state of affairs for blacks, and it...

Ethical and Multicultural Self- Assessment

Ethical and Multicultural Self-Assessment “Look in the self-evaluation mirror, clean your character, comb your thoughts, shave off your bad habits, and brush your skills.” –...

Elimination Complexities

Elimination Complexities The complexity of healthcare practice is an important consideration for patient safety and quality. In healthcare, complexity refers to the collection of individual agents...

Nursing Research Proposal

Nursing Research Proposal Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a trauma-and-stressor-related mental disorder that occurs as a result of witnessing a traumatic, life-threatening event. The patient...

Pharmacology Case Study

Pharmacology Case Study To have a positive effect on both targeted and non-targeted tissues, a drug must form complexes with its unintended and intended receptors (Kwak et al., 2019). The unintended...