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Nursing Nurse Practice And EHR Assignment

Nursing Nurse Practice And EHR Assignment

The Florida Department of Health estimates that by 2025, total healthcare demand will have increased by 24.75% due to 13% population growth. Despite these projections, the state is currently experiencing a shortage of healthcare practitioners, such as physicians and advanced practice nurses. The shortage is due to Florida is one of 29 states in the United States that limit advanced practice nurses’ (APNs’) scope of practice as stated in their professional standards. As a result, the scope of practice for advanced practice nurses in Florida is governed by Title XXXII Regulations of Professions and Occupations, Division 64B9 of the Florida Administrative Code, and Chapters 456 and 464 of the Florida Statutes (Unruh, Rutherford, Schirle, & Brunell, 2018).

According to Florida’s APN scope of practice, the three areas I was not aware I could perform as a licensed provider are as follows. The first area is prescription autonomy for controlled substances. Florida, one of the states with stringent restrictions on advanced practice nurses’ scope of practice, only recently lifted restrictions on prescribing controlled substances. Following the passage of a bill sponsored by Representative Cary Pigman (HB 423) and its signing into law on April 14, 2016, the new law allowed APNs to prescribe controlled substances beginning January 1, 2017. This new law allows APNs to prescribe controlled substances while adhering to the existing rules and supervision requirements. These supervision and protocol requirements must adhere to specifications set by a committee of the Florida Board of Nursing. This legislation also allows physician assistants to prescribe these controlled substances (Unruh et al., 2018).

Patient advocacy is the second focus. The general public frequently believes that the role of an advanced practice nurse is solely concerned with patient care. While patient care is the majority of APNS’ primary role, the scope of practice allows APNs to perform other roles, such as patient advocacy. Patient advocacy entails APNs cultivating a relationship that sees a patient as a whole human being in their health experience and embraces the patient’s uniqueness. Although advocacy primarily involves patient-nurse relationships, it has evolved to include protecting patients’ rights, freedoms of choice, and the ability to access health care services when needed. Because of their almost daily interactions with patients, APNs are better positioned to understand their patient’s needs and, as a result, to advocate for improved healthcare services at both the state and national levels (Blackwell & Neff, 2015).

The final area is carrying out extra functions and acts within the specialty. According to Unruh, Rutherford, Schirle, and Brunell (2018), APNs may perform these functions within their professional specialty in addition to the mandated functions established by subsection 3 of (FLA. STAT. ch. 464.012(4)). The first function is to order physical and occupational therapy when it is deemed necessary. The second role is to manage specific medical issues. The third additional act is to begin, monitor, or alter therapies for specific uncomplicated severe conditions or illnesses. Another function is to order physical and occupational therapy as needed for the patient. The final function an APN may perform under subsection 3 is to diagnose behavioral problems and make treatment recommendations. This authority was granted only after the passage of Florida Statutes 464.012, titled Licensure of advanced practice registered nurses; fees; controlled substance prescribing, in 2018. (Blackwell & Neff, 2015).


Blackwell, C. W., & Neff, F. D. (2015). Certification and education as determinants of nurse practitioner scope of practice: An investigation of the rules and regulations defining NP scope of practice in the United States. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 27(10), 552-557.

Unruh, L., Rutherford, A., Schirle, L., & Brunell, M. L. (2018). Benefits of less restrictive regulation of advanced practice registered nurses in Florida. Nursing Outlook, 66(6), 539-550.


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Nurse Practice and EHR Assignment (15%) (CC3. a,b): Students will identify and evaluate nurses’ safety measures when administering medications at a specific healthcare facility.

Nursing Nurse Practice And EHR Assignment

Nursing Nurse Practice And EHR Assignment

Each student will also evaluate an EHR system’s safety measures at one healthcare facility. Students will prepare a Powerpoint to present details of the assignments in no more than 10-15 minutes. Students should follow the assignment rubric the instructor provided to complete the assignment.