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Nursing Discussion Response

Nursing Discussion Response


Thank you for sharing your post. Advocacy in all its forms acts to ensure that persons and, more so, those that are vulnerable can have a voice when airing the issues that affect them, defend their rights and safeguard the same, and also have their wishes and views genuinely considered when a decision about their health and lives are made (Royal College of Nursing, 2017). Advocacy reduces health inequalities and ought to remain a central component of nursing. More importantly, nurses ought to be provided with the knowledge, autonomy, and time to be the patient advocates that they need to be (Hemingway and Bosanquet, 2018).

Indeed, the last year has been a trying one for the healthcare industry. But even so, the pandemic offered and continues to offer nurses opportunities for advocacy. When an outbreak such as COVID-19 occurs, it becomes crucial that nurses liaise with protection teams to start the next steps, including the identification of pathogens, treatment, and further infection prevention (Corless et al., 2018). To do this, it is necessary for nurses to possess knowledge about infectious diseases, transmission modes, symptoms, and how to break the infection chain (Burnett, 2018). An enhanced understanding of the competencies and skills that form the basis of health protection would help in advancing nursing contributions in times of pandemics and epidemics. This would also allow nurses to protect themselves and the communities in which they serve.

Additionally, nurses ought to be provided with the autonomy and time to build on links (and take advantage of the same) they have with religious groups and community institutions during crises. Religious and community leaders are the primary sources of comfort, guidance, and support for the communities they serve (WHO, 2020). These leaders can provide pastoral and spiritual support during emergencies of public health nature as well as advocate for vulnerable groups’ needs.


Burnett E (2018) Effective infection prevention and control: the nurse’s role. Nursing Standard; 33: 4, 68–72.

Corless, I. B., Nardi, D., Milstead, J. A., Larson, E., Nokes, K. M., Orsega, S., … & Woith, W. (2018). Expanding nursing’s role in responding to global pandemics 5/14/2018. Nursing Outlook66(4), 412-415.

Hemingway A, Bosanquet J (2018) Role of nurses in tackling health inequalities, Journal of Community Nursing; 32: 6, 62–64.

Royal College of Nursing (2017) Three Steps to Positive Practice.

World Health Organization (2020) Practical Considerations and Recommendations for Religious Leaders and Faith-based Communities in the Context of COVID-19. Geneva; WHO.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Nursing Discussion Response

This term has taught me much about what it means to be a nurse leader. As a nurse leader, we have the benefit of making a difference and improving health outcomes. One thing that I am going to take away from this course is the ability to reach out to state legislators regarding my healthcare concerns. I know that it is so important to take initiative and attempt to make a difference. “Complexity, chaos, high rates of change, serious safety and quality issues, and workforce shortages in health care are some of the reasons why clinical leadership is important” (Joseph & Huber, 2015). Healthcare evolves quickly and as a nurse leader, it is critical to stay up to date and advocate for what is best for us nurses. With everything that we have all been through due to the pandemic, advocating for things such as the nurse-to-patient ratio can make all the difference in the world. Better outcomes for our patients are expected for when there is proper ratios in place. Overall, this term taught me a ton about what it means to be a nurse leader and I really hope I can be that leader that stands up for what we believe and do what’s best for us nurses as a whole.

Nursing Discussion Response

Joseph, M. L., & Huber, D. L. (2015). Clinical leadership development and education for nurses: prospects and opportunities. Journal of healthcare leadership, 7, 55–64.

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