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NRNP 6675 Walden University Summary of Strengths and Opportunities Paper

NRNP 6675 Walden University Summary of Strengths and Opportunities Paper

They described learning management in a study on lifelong learning strategies for nurses. Learning management entails using self-assessments, reflecting on the results of those assessments, managing time and knowledge, setting goals, and strategizing (Qanbari Qalehsari et al., 2017). Another tool is making certain that the learning environment is conducive to learning (Qanbari Qalehsari et al., 2017). The learning environment should be somewhere quiet, where stress can be reduced, and where learning can be facilitated (Qanbari Qalehsari et al., 2017). A quiet coffee shop or a home office are two examples of this.

The goal of this paper is to identify strengths and areas for improvement, as well as to develop a study plan and a timetable for how the study plan will be implemented. The study plan will include three goals, each with three tasks. There will also be a discussion about the resources that could be used to achieve these objectives.

Opportunities for Growth and Strengths

A pretest can help you figure out where you need to focus your study time. My strengths continue to be in diagnosis and treatment, as well as ethical and legal principles. However, my psychotherapy and advanced practice skills have improved since the previous quarter. I have room for improvement in related theories and scientific foundations. These categories can be found in the PMHNP manual’s content map. My advancement makes sense because I have gained confidence in my clinical and psychiatric work as an RN. I intend to concentrate my studies on the areas that require improvement.

Study Strategy

Goal 1: Each week until the end of the 11-week quarter, I will read the weekly assignments.

Task 1: I will purchase a new planner for 2022 and write out the required readings for each week in the planner.

Task 2: For each week, I will divide the readings into distinct sections to make them easier to understand.

Task 3: For each reading session, I will create an outline of the information.

Goal 2: From now until the end of the quarter, I will study the information in the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Manual every week.

Task 1: I will schedule the remaining chapters in the manual for weekly study.

Task 2: I will study for at least thirty minutes before going to bed every night.

Task 3: At the end of each week, I will ask my family to help me quiz myself on the information. Goal 3: I will take at least one test on the ANA Pocket Prep application every day until the end of the 11-week quarter.

Task 1: Determine which tests I will take at the start of the week for each day.

Task number two is to create flashcards for the information I missed after taking the test.

Task 3: Review learning progress in the app and adjust the study schedule as needed on a weekly basis.


Saturday and Sunday will be off days.

Week 1 begins on Monday. Purchase a semester planner. Tuesday: Fill out the planner with the corresponding information from the study plan. Wednesday: Divide the readings for the semester into distinct sections and record them in the planner. Thursday and Friday: start daily readings, take daily quizzes, and do manual readings and study.

Week 2: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week.

Week 3: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week. Take the PMHNP Pretest.

Week 4: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week.

Week 5: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week. Take the PMHNP Pretest.

Week 6: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week.

Week 7: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week. Take the PMHNP Pretest.

Week 8: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week.

Week 9: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week. Take the PMHNP Pretest.

Week 10: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, and do manual readings and studying. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week.

Week 11: Monday through Friday: Continue daily readings, take daily quizzes, do manual readings, and study. Wednesday: Create and study flashcards for the APA Pocket prep information for the week. Thursday: Keep studying the APA Pocket prep flashcards. Friday: Hold a family quiz based on what you learned during the week. Take the PMHNP Pretest.

I decided to gauge my progress by having my family quiz me on the material at the end of each week. Throughout the 11-week quarter, I will also assess my progress by retaking the PMHNP manual pretest.

Resources for Achievement

The PMHNP manual, the APA pocket prep app on my phone, a weekly planner, and course books and resources will be used to help me complete my study plan. Pocket prep by the ANA is an application that allows you to create quizzes and tests based on times, missed questions, and your weakest subject. It also includes a section for tracking your progress in five subject areas that correspond to the PMHNP exam subject areas. The PMHNP manual is an excellent resource for studying information and provides an outline of the material that must be known for the PMHNP certification exam.


Finally, there are numerous resources available to assist with PMHNP exam preparation. To study for this quarter, I’ve chosen to use the APA pocket prep, PMHNP manual, and course books. To adequately comprehend the material, the study plan will assist in organizing the information into easily understandable and digestible parts.


Qanbari Qalehsari, M., Khaghanizadeh, M., & Ebadi, A. (2017). Lifelong learning strategies in nursing: A systematic review. Electronic Physician, 9(10), 5541–5550.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Reflect on the study plan you created in NRNP 6665. Did you accomplish your SMART goals? What areas of focus still present opportunities for growth?

NRNP 6675 Walden University Summary of Strengths and Opportunities Paper

Revise your study plan summarizing your current strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Develop 3–4 new SMART goals for this quarter and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of how you will measure your progress.

Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.

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