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Health Behavior-Research Findings and Recommendations

Health Behavior-Research Findings and Recommendations


Target Population and Health Behavior: Young adults are the target population of the program. This population comprises persons aged 25 years to 35 years. The problem health behavior of the project is drinking and drug use. Drug use involves using drugs for psychotropic rather than medical purposes. Commonly abused drugs include hallucinogens and stimulants. Recent studies demonstrate that drinking and drug use among young adults is higher compared to other age groups.

Program Goal and Objectives: The goal of the project is to increase the awareness of young adults about the effects of drinking and drug use using group discussions and media campaigns. The project’s behavioral objective is for 75% of young adults to self-report having quit drinking and drug use at the end of the season-long project. The project’s learning objective is for 80% of young adults to state and describe at least five negative impacts of drinking and drug use at the end of the season-long project.

Strategies for Program Implementation and Evaluation: The first strategy used in the implementation of the program is mass media campaigns. Televisions and billboards are examples of channels used to sensitize young adults against drug use. Group counseling is the other strategy. This strategy uses social reinforcement created by peer discussion. Program evaluation will be accomplished using four strategies. The learning process, participants’ behavior after training, the program’s results, and participants’ reaction towards the program will be evaluated. Data collection methods used in the evaluation include questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and focus groups.

Contribution of the Results: The results will provide the field of health sciences with evidence-based strategies for mitigating drinking and drug use. This will happen when the goals and objectives are achieved. The achievement will be demonstrated by healthy lifestyles and decreased cases of drinking and drug use among young adults.


We’ll write everything from scratch


 Health Behavior-Research Findings and Recommendations

By now if you put together your SLP papers from Module 1 to 3, you have a program/intervention proposal to address a health behavior problem. Carefully read through your SLP papers from Modules 1 through 3.

Write an abstract* (1 page in length) briefly describing your whole proposal. Be sure to use subheadings.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Describe the problem health behavior and the target population.
  2. Summary of the program goal and objectives.
  3. Briefly describe your strategies for program implementation and evaluation.
  4. Discuss what contribution the results/findings from your proposed program will make to the field of health sciences.

    Health Behavior-Research Findings and Recommendations

*With an abstract, in-text citations and a matching reference list are not included.

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