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Government In Health Care

Government In Health Care

The government has been critical in funding the healthcare system. Many Americans are unaware of the true cost of medical care and only see what they have to pay out of pocket. For those who have insurance, an explanation of benefits (EOB) breaks down charges and payments. Bills from providers break down charges and may include information about how the patient can get help if they need it. The involvement of the government has made it easier for people to obtain health insurance. The Affordable Care Act has made insurance more widely available to Americans. Subsidies have made it even more affordable for those on a tight budget.

Many states have recently expanded their Medicaid programs to include low-income people. Medicare and Medicaid are both run by the government. The government’s catering to individuals covered by these programs, as well as improvements to medical facilities, drive up the costs of these programs. These raise prices as facilities seek a return on their investment. According to Peter R. Orszag (2015), several years of modest increases in healthcare costs have significantly improved the country’s fiscal position, freeing up resources for more productive purposes. Nonetheless, there are troubling signs of increased healthcare spending pressure, particularly higher growth in Medicare outlays this year, even after accounting for one-time payments. This is due to Americans’ lack of understanding of the costs of seeking medical care.

According to Kaplan and Porter (2017), healthcare costs currently exceed 17% of the GDP and are rising. Other developed countries are following a similar pattern, but they spend less on healthcare. For many years, universal health care has been a hot topic. Funding for this type of healthcare would necessitate higher taxes, which many Americans oppose. An aging population, as well as new treatments and technology, all contribute to rising healthcare costs. As we get older, we develop more ailments that necessitate regular attention. Some of these diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, are caused by a lack of prevention.

I believe the government cannot continue to spend at the current rate. Total healthcare spending in the United States reached $3.3 trillion in 2016, 4.3 percent higher than in 2015. (Hartman et al., 2018). Healthcare spending is contributing to the country’s overall debt. Unnecessary spending is also a factor. Facilities and providers frequently use disparate systems that are unable to communicate with one another. Patients frequently receive multiple tests and procedures that have previously been performed, resulting in higher payouts. To ensure that all relevant information is available, allow inter-system communication or automatic sending of records to providers that the patient sees. This would save money on the costs of multiple tests and procedures. We have a tendency to omit information, sometimes unintentionally, which raises the overall cost. The availability of treatments and plans reduces redundancy and saves time and money.


Kaplan, R. S., & Porter, M. E. (2017, September 07). The Big Idea: How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care. Retrieved April 20, 2019, from cost-crisis-in-health-care

Hartman, M., Martin, A. B., Espinosa, N., & Catlin, A. (2018). National Health Care Spending In 2016: Spending And Enrollment Growth Slow After Initial Coverage Expansions. Health Affairs, 37(1), 150-160. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2017.1299

Orszag, P. R. (2015, July 15). Congress Doesn’t Understand Health Costs or Care. Retrieved April 20, 2019, from does-t-understand-health-costs-or-care


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In 1798, President John Adams signed the Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen, imposing a twenty-cent per month tax on sailors to be used to pay for care at various American ports. This act led to the eventual development of the U.S. Public Health Service.

Government In Health Care

Government In Health Care

In your post, respond to the following questions and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

  • Why would the federal government single out sailors for a mandatory health insurance fee?
  • Why would state governments think this was a good idea? What would be the advantages of this approach for state governments?
  • Be sure to include the historical role of the federal and state governments in health care delivery in your discussion.