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Gender Equality Proposal

Gender Equality Proposal

Gender equality refers to the equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of men and women, as well as boys and girls; however, this does not imply that men and women will become or have the same opportunities. While we know that men and women are equally capable of performing the same tasks with equal effectiveness, individuals and businesses still believe that men are better at leading jobs than women. As a result, many companies and corporations give men supervisory, managerial, and even CEO positions, even if they aren’t as qualified or experienced as female colleagues. With this proposal, I hope to persuade businesses and corporations that women are just as capable as men and deserve equal opportunities to succeed at all levels. Creating a diversity mentoring program within businesses and corporations may help to equalize the chances of women taking positions traditionally held by men. We hope that after we establish a diversity mentoring program, we will be able to assist organizations in identifying similarities among the diverse workforce and uniting the business by recognizing differences as an opportunity to gain experience.

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Participation, Visibility, and Awareness

The first step in developing a workplace diversity mentoring program would be raising awareness of unconscious bias. Understanding and raising awareness of bias is the first step toward real change. There are several types of bias, according to Stanford University Associate Dean and Director of the Office of Inclusion, Belonging, and Intergroup Dialogue Mohammad Bilal (“How To Promote Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion In The Workplace,” 2021). The first type is unconscious bias, including biased associations or feelings hidden beneath the surface. Because unconscious biases do not always coincide with our conscious beliefs or declared beliefs, they are even more important to be aware of.

The leaders of our diversity mentoring program can begin to address this by assisting employees in understanding how unconscious bias affects individuals and what actions continue to reinforce biases. Encourage every employee to review, question, and analyze their biases and assumptions to raise awareness and address unconscious bias. It could be important and effective if our group leaders and employees kept a thought journal to process their biases. Recording instances of stereotyping as they occur will help people become more aware and conscious of their biases. This will assist people in recognizing when they begin to stereotype individuals to refute and replace biases.

Employees must participate in this program. In a Wall Street Journal article, LinkedIn’s Rosanna Durruthy discussed using employee resource groups (ERGs) to gain experience and develop talent, as well as to help managers learn from these groups in a safe environment (“Small Changes Can Increase Corporate Diversity”, 2018). ERGs contribute to the development of a culture of connection and belonging. Building on this, employers can make it easy for all employees to participate by creating a different pay code for easy time tracking for ERG meetings or by asking employees to share initiatives or projects on which the ERG is focused. Provide a toolkit or guidelines for employees to follow to encourage them to form a new ERG. You could take participation a step further by involving senior leaders. Including an executive and leadership sponsor would not only help to increase visibility, innovation, and awareness, but it would also help to align ERG activities with business goals. Commitments from senior leaders also indicate a broader organizational commitment to improving diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.

Funding Strategy to Encourage Cultural Diversity

A diversity mentoring program at your workplace does not have to be expensive. To avoid incurring additional costs, have someone from an outside company come in and speak with the program’s leader(s) and inform them of what changes or activities should and could be implemented in the workplace. The leader(s) could then figure out how to teach the same things to the rest of the program’s participants. If the company does not want to or cannot afford to pay for someone to come in and go over the initial information, the group’s leader(s) could do their research online and discuss amongst themselves what they believe will be the best information to pass on to the rest of the group. Those who choose to participate in the diversity mentoring program may also find someone of a different race or culture within their organization and try collaborating with and learning from them to better understand who they are. After that, they can each try to find someone who operates at a higher level than them and repeat the process.

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Cutura, Jozefina (2015). Gender Equality: A Smart Proposition for Business. business-proposition

Equality between women and men. (2001).

How to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. (2021).

How to Promote Gender Equality in the Workplace. (2022).

Small Changes Can Increase Corporate Diversity. (2018). changes-can-increase-corporate-diversity-1520993340


We’ll write everything from scratch


You are working on supporting gender equality in your community or culture. You are writing a proposal focusing on gender equality because it is an important development (and human rights) issue. Create a developmental proposal (for example, cultural and diversity programs, diversity mentoring, and outreach programs) that will focus on building greater gender equality. Your proposal should help to increase awareness of inequalities, offer constructive solutions, and enable all genders to have a voice in the initiative.

Gender Equality ProposaL

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