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Fetal Abnormality

Fetal Abnormality

What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?

Genesis 1:26–31 states that man and woman were created in the image of God. This means that human beings are like God in some ways but do not possess His absolute omniscience or power. This is compatible with the Divine Command Theory, where humans are like God but are not God. In relation to the value and dignity of human beings, man has the capacity to have a relationship with God, unlike animals, which means man is of a higher value and possesses greater dignity than animals. Man can socialize, possess creativity, can reason, and has the choice or freedom. There is a connection between religion and morality, such that morality does not exist with no religion. Hence, religion guides a man on how to live a moral life and value others as they should be. Moral good founded on religion dictates that each person should be treated with dignity because life is sacred owing to the fact that a person’s life belongs to the one who created the person, God.

Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?

Doctor Wilson and Scientism: His personal worldview is an impact on scientism. The doctor uses scientific facts and figures to give his opinion on the matter. He tells the parents the truth of the matter based on his medical assessment, which is backed by scientific evidence.

Aunt Maria and Christianity: Her worldview is that of Christianity. She believes in a God who is Sovereign and wise and therefore knows that it is God’s will for the child to be born with its deformities. She wants to impose their faith and belief on Jessica by asking her to believe that God has chosen for the baby to live an unnatural life.

Marco and Materialism: His view is materialistic, and though he says he will side with Jessica’s final decision, he seems to imply that the child would be a financial burden to the couple. Marco also sees that the child will hinder Jessica and himself in their plans to gain financial freedom and stability.

Jessica, Blended Theories and Modern Western Worldview: In one way, Jessica seems to agree with Marco’s opinion as regards their financial status being affected by the new baby. She feels the baby will hinder their financial success and slow their progress toward being financially independent and stable. On the other hand, her Christian belief compels her to acknowledge that life is sacred and belongs to God; therefore, no one has the moral authority to terminate another’s life.

How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?

According to Burnett (n.d.), events and reality are explained by scientism in a physical or material manner. This removes all religious, cultural, and spiritual aspects in examining, explaining, and rationalizing reality. It also fails to account for what happens to a person after such a person dies. Science is seen as the only real source of information and knowledge and does not acknowledge any other knowledge and learning branches. The actions of people can be determined and influenced by scientific studies, facts, and the knowledge garnered solely from science as well as through explanation of situations in a material or physical manner. Dr. Wilsons’s actions are in line with scientism as he provides facts on the fetus’ abnormalities and the expected life quality. He then proceeds to give advice to the parents on terminating the pregnancy. He defends abortion as a scientifically and medically sound decision.

Shelly and Miller (2006) state that the Christian worldview views the importance of faith and prayer and the link of this to the personal approach that a person has to healthcare and that God has given man technology and science as gifts. Christian worldview also upholds the virtue of caring for the sick and offering comfort and aid. Additionally, because Christianity teaches that we are created in the image of God, we have diverse responsibilities to others and ourselves as well as to God and that we are part of God’s plan, and He has a plan for each of us; it is our duty to find out what that plan and purpose is and live it. Thus, a fetus is a human being that has a purpose of fulfilling according to God’s plan for it; and the parents have a duty and responsibility of taking care of it and ensuring it reaches its purpose. The fetus was created in the image of God and through His love; hence, it has a special significance and has to live, grow, and fulfill God’s plan (Stahl and Kilner, 2019).

Materialism is a worldview with a number of definitions where all objects are viewed as material, and matter is the only thing there is. It also proposes that material well-being and progress are the highest and main purpose of life’s highest value and that there is more importance in objects and material things. Religion, what becomes of a person after death, and spirituality have no place in materialism. Materialism relates reality, life experiences, and events to the laws of nature. Hence, in this case, materialism dictates that the fetus will be a hindrance to Jessica and Marco’s pursuit of success and progression in life.

Jessica’s worldview is that of the Western world, and it is influenced primarily by the scientific perspective, biblical values, and dualism. Shelly and Miller (2006) assert that the modern Western worldview is driven by dualism, where the latter is a division of two entities in conflict with each other, where the good-spirit conflicts with the evil matter. The modern Western worldview is also influenced by the scientific perspective, truth-falsehood, and success-failure as well as the biblical values of love and justice. This has resulted in God becoming more distant.

What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

I am more inclined to agree with the blended theory approach shared by Jessica for the different challenges and dilemmas that a person experiences in life. This approach is best in determining the path to follow, as life cannot have one absolute path and theory to follow. As a nurse, I ought to do everything in my professional ability to care for every patient, including those that are invitro, to ensure they meet their health goals in all dimensions, including spiritual, physical, and emotional. As a Christian nurse, I feel compelled to offer the truth to a patient based on my spiritual understanding of God and the purpose He has for man and on my scientific knowledge. In this particular case, the fetus is, as it is, according to God’s divine purpose. However, I believe the parents should opt for termination because the Bible says that a). Children are a blessing from the Lord (Psalms 127:3), and b). The blessing of the Lord addeth no sorrow (Proverbs, 10:22). The baby will definitely bring a lot of sorrow as it has already done. Additionally, God said that the firstborn of man or animal belongs to Him and should be offered as a living sacrifice (Exodus, 13:2). He also said that man should not present a sacrifice with any defect. This fetus does not fit the description (Leviticus, 22:20).


Burnett, T. (n.d.). What is Scientism? Retrieved from

Shelly, J.A., & Miller, A.B. (2006). Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing (2nd ed.).

Stahl, D., & Kilner, J. (2019). The Image of God, Bioethics, and Persons with Profound Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of the Christian Institute on Disability.


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Fetal Abnormality

Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and the required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Maximum Points: 200.0

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

Study Materials:

  1. Read Chapters 4-6 in Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing
  2. Read Chapters 2-5 and 11 in Bioethics: A Primer for Christians.
  3. Read “The Image of God, Bioethics, and Persons with Profound Intellectual Disabilities,” by Stahl and Kilner, on the Joni and Friends website (2017).
  4. It is important to watch this video according to the professor to be prepared to do the assignment – Video Link:
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